Meeting location for the 2024/2025 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

Lightning Maroon Clowns bred

Started by bt, July 09, 2012, 11:25:01 AM

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Not only has this amazing looking (and absurdly rare) clown spawned twice with a regular maroon clownfish, but some of the fry in the first generation are already showing some of the lightning pattern in the banding.

First successful spawning -

Second successful spawning -

Fry from the first spawning -

I'm certainly not planning on getting any new clowns anytime in the next few years, but hopefully by the time I am they'll be available for a "little less" than the $5k+ that was being bid for this one.



Some more pictures of the fry:

Not nearly as striking (hah!  Like lighting, get it?) as the parent, but definitely not the typical banding.

There's a video too, giving you an idea of just how tiny they are right now.


Very cool! I can't wait to see how they turn out! I've seen the stripes on juveniles get quite different looking as they get older. Should be neat either way :)


Let me guess this clown is going be around $200 each :) its kinda neat to see those line bar like a puzzle but for me not somethng really special. I've seen Picasso clown which is I've got the female & onyx male really like this clown than a maroon 1 I have it before the female killed its mate I ended up selling as well it grows big :)


I suspect the first few that come close to the original markings will be a lot more than $200 each...