Aquarist Forums => Saltwater General Discussions => Topic started by: Patow on April 22, 2009, 01:37:16 PM

Title: Limewater/Kalkwasser
Post by: Patow on April 22, 2009, 01:37:16 PM
Hey folks,

Anyone know where to get Mrs. Wages Pickling Lime to make up Kalkwasser in Canada? I know it's readily available at Walmart in the US, but I haven't been able to find it up here yet.

If not Mrs. Wages, any other suggestions for another similar product?


Title: Re: Limewater/Kalkwasser
Post by: gauthier613 on June 11, 2009, 12:25:08 PM
I have a new container available if your interested PM me.
Title: Re: Limewater/Kalkwasser
Post by: Saltcreep on June 11, 2009, 02:06:09 PM
Some quick research online tells me that pickling lime, slaked lime and hydrated lime are all the exact same product. IF that's the case, (I'd advise you to do your own research), and you want to save a ton of money, check out any place like Ritchies, Co-op stores and other places where farm supplies are sold, maybe even Home Depot. We have used hydrated lime in our cottage outhouse to help break down the, you know, for years. Very fine white powder. Comes in paper bags like cement, probably fifty pounds or so in a bag. And, it's dirt cheap. We were just cleaning out under the cottage and I found at least three pails of the stuff that we must have forgotten. I guess the point is that IF it is the same, and it works for you, why pay the outrageous prices at a LFS?
Title: Re: Limewater/Kalkwasser
Post by: redbelly on June 11, 2009, 02:30:01 PM
I have not used Mrs. Wages Pickling Lime, but I can tell you for absolute certain that there is a bg difference in Kalk between brands of aquariums Kalk. I runn all of my top off water through a kalk reactor and some brands will disolve perfectly clean while other brands end up with a pile of sediment at the bottom of the reactor once its half way through the kalk. Its obviously purity differences but it makes you wonder what are those impurities...
Title: Re: Limewater/Kalkwasser
Post by: gauthier613 on June 22, 2009, 10:16:18 AM
Not sure if this helps your decision but I finally found the MSDS Sheet on Mrs Wages Pickling Lime.

http://www.fishandreptile.com/wiki/index.php?title=Mrs_Wages_Pickling_Lime (http://www.fishandreptile.com/wiki/index.php?title=Mrs_Wages_Pickling_Lime)