Aquarist Forums => Saltwater General Discussions => Topic started by: QueensU on June 20, 2009, 01:07:12 PM

Title: My cleaner shrimp is a baby daddy!
Post by: QueensU on June 20, 2009, 01:07:12 PM
My pair of cleaner shrimp have been holding eggs for a week or so now. I've read on a couple other threads/forums that it is extremely hard to rear the baby shrimp into juveniles. Has anyone else ever tried? or had them breed in your tank? I suppose if nothing else, my tank will be filled with delicious shrimp snacks when they are released from the parents. I'll try to post some pics later today!
Title: Re: My cleaner shrimp is a baby daddy!
Post by: Severum on June 20, 2009, 10:36:27 PM
When you start seeing the eggs have little black eyes they will be ready to hatch any day. You should lurk around the tank and night with a flash light and you might be lucky enough to spot the shrimp releasing the fry. Its quite a sight.

Sadly, raising the young is next to impossible otherwise everyone with a marine tank would be selling them.  ;)
Title: Re: My cleaner shrimp is a baby daddy!
Post by: Sharbuckle on June 20, 2009, 10:39:13 PM
thats really cool, maybe if they start doing this all the time you can try different methods on raising the fry
Title: Re: My cleaner shrimp is a baby daddy!
Post by: salvini55 on June 21, 2009, 01:35:18 AM
its reasons like this that make me want to bulid a refugium. It would be a nice spot to raise babies.
Title: Re: My cleaner shrimp is a baby daddy!
Post by: QueensU on June 21, 2009, 10:34:21 PM
I just checked the tank, and it is full of little shrimp babies. They are like little white specs, I'm going to see if I can get a picture, but I have to let my camera battery charge for a few mins. The one shrimp still has eggs on it too, so maybe there will be more tomorrow! Right now though its like a buffet in my tank.

I read on another thread that someone was able to raise them to juveniles using phyto culture, and then rotifers, but they didnt survive.
Title: Re: My cleaner shrimp is a baby daddy!
Post by: QueensU on June 21, 2009, 10:46:20 PM
Hey guys, here are some pics I just snapped. They are kinda crappy pics, cuz I only charged my camera battery enough to snap a couple. The first one is the little shrimp floating around in the tank. Pretty much just white specs. The second is one of the adult shrimp still holding eggs. Not sure if she will let them go tonight too or not. The other shrimp (Its smaller, I think its the male) must have let the clutch of eggs go tonight.

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Title: Re: My cleaner shrimp is a baby daddy!
Post by: fishboy on June 23, 2009, 05:57:43 PM
i have just one cleaner and, it does that all the time, but the fish just end up eating them all .
Title: Re: My cleaner shrimp is a baby daddy!
Post by: gauthier613 on June 23, 2009, 09:46:41 PM
FYI When Mine Got Prego they ate my Coral might have been a different breed then yours though.
Title: Re: My cleaner shrimp is a baby daddy!
Post by: QueensU on June 23, 2009, 10:26:03 PM
Oh really? I havent seen mine touch any coral yet. What kind of coral were they eating?
Title: Re: My cleaner shrimp is a baby daddy!
Post by: a1a2a3alex on June 24, 2009, 10:44:55 PM
Oh cool.  How do you tell male and female shrimp apart?  I have a fire/blood shrimp and I want to get another one to have natural food for my corals/anemones to eat.  I don't think it's that hard to raise shrimps as I've seen it before with the Sea Monkeys packages and you just need an air pump.  Am I over simplifying it?

Just my 2 cents ...
Title: Re: My cleaner shrimp is a baby daddy!
Post by: JD on June 25, 2009, 06:44:51 AM
I watched, just by fluke, my cleaner "giving birth", quite a site.

It happend just before the tank went to moon lighting. The shrimp swam upside down near the surface and "sprayed" babies everywhere.

Unfortunately, 15 blue/green chromis were nearby waiting for their bedtime snack.

I was able to grab to 3 glass fulls of babies. I took them to my fuge and have never seen again.
Title: Re: My cleaner shrimp is a baby daddy!
Post by: QueensU on June 25, 2009, 08:55:43 AM
Quote from: JD on June 25, 2009, 06:44:51 AM
I watched, just by fluke, my cleaner "giving birth", quite a site.

It happend just before the tank went to moon lighting. The shrimp swam upside down near the surface and "sprayed" babies everywhere.

Unfortunately, 15 blue/green chromis were nearby waiting for their bedtime snack.

I was able to grab to 3 glass fulls of babies. I took them to my fuge and have never seen again.

I read some other threads on RC I think, that said they were near impossible to raise in an aquarium.

Quote from: a1a2a3alex on June 24, 2009, 10:44:55 PM
Oh cool.  How do you tell male and female shrimp apart?  I have a fire/blood shrimp and I want to get another one to have natural food for my corals/anemones to eat.  I don't think it's that hard to raise shrimps as I've seen it before with the Sea Monkeys packages and you just need an air pump.  Am I over simplifying it?

Just my 2 cents...

Alex, with the cleaner shrimp, it's not really possible to tell the difference between males and females. It's similar to clown fish though, where the male is the smaller of the two. When I got my second shrimp, I just assumed he was the male, as he was a lot smaller than the first one.

The sea monkeys you are referring to are actually just brine shrimp. (different species)
Title: Re: My cleaner shrimp is a baby daddy!
Post by: FEATHERGIRL on June 27, 2009, 05:19:46 PM
Ifound some today in my tank hiding in a rock I took it out and put it in a ten gallon and so far so good think I have sea hares as well i'll keep every one posted :)
Title: Re: My cleaner shrimp is a baby daddy!
Post by: QueensU on June 27, 2009, 05:44:01 PM
baby cleaner shrimp? thats cool, I havent seen any in my tank since they were released. You should get some phytoplex or something to feed them with.
Title: Re: My cleaner shrimp is a baby daddy!
Post by: FEATHERGIRL on June 28, 2009, 06:59:25 AM
thanks i'll try that what about cyclopeese sure I spelt that wrong (LOL)
Title: Re: My cleaner shrimp is a baby daddy!
Post by: QueensU on June 28, 2009, 12:41:38 PM
Cyclop eeze is Brine Shrimp. The baby cleaner shrimp are too small to eat this. I think they start feeding on phyto plankton, and eventually can be fed zooplankton (rotifers, etc.)