Hey guys gals
In the last month I have noticed some changes to my tanks environment. I now have that weird starfish growing, I think i just found a very tiny little shrimp, I had 2 hermit crabs die and I havent seen Side show bob( my 6 legged starfish in a while) as well as my frogspawn retracting, any reasons why all these changes are occuring, my tank is about a year old iand I change the water about once a month its just a small little 15 gallon nano
You proably need to change your water more often. once a month isnt enough, and needs to be done even more so in such a small tank.
Start doing them every second week and slowly make you way to doing them one a week, but just small ones like 10-20 percent.
Its important to clean the tank, and remove the waste, but also to add fresh saltwater filled with important nutients/elements that are used up over time.