Just curious as per what shrimp people have, breed and admire. I have cherries and crystal reds. And I know everyone loves pictures so here's my berries female crystal (https://www.ovas.ca/forum/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fimg.tapatalk.com%2Fb89175d8-9a47-eb09.jpg&hash=fdef23369136cfd87375cbfcacd4772d78fe51f7)
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I've had cherry's in the past, now I have a Fluval Edge with crystal reds in it.
i have a coral banded shrimp
oh, this is freshwater. oops
I have red cherries, amanos and some crystal blacks. Looking for more Crystal Blacks though and some Yellow Shrimps!
Quote from: daworldisblack on August 14, 2012, 01:20:36 PM
I have red cherries and some crystal blacks. Looking for more Crystal Blacks though and some Yellow Shrimps!
The guy I got my crystal reds from had 5 crystal blacks for sale a few weeks ago...he had an ad in the classifieds on here as well as kijiji.
Amanos and cherry's right now. They're the easiest to keep. I've had tiger shrimp, blue shrimp, bamboo shrimp...and one small purple speckled one that had claws...couldn't keep that one alive.
I want Sulawesi shrimp...maybe sometime later when I have more time to dedicate to keeping them.
Quote from: Stussi613 on August 14, 2012, 01:22:38 PM
The guy I got my crystal reds from had 5 crystal blacks for sale a few weeks ago...he had an ad in the classifieds on here as well as kijiji.
Hmm.. i must've missed it or wasn't the grade I was looking for maybe. Thanks for the tip though :)
Ill be on the hunt for crystal blacks soon too. Love the look of them
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Quote from: Fishnut on August 14, 2012, 01:31:43 PM
Amanos and cherry's right now. They're the easiest to keep... I want Sulawesi shrimp...maybe sometime later when I have more time to dedicate to keeping them.
Same here on both accounts. Amanos and cherries are doing just fine with fish in my larger planted tank, but would love to get some Sulawesi shrimp... they look as colourful as saltwater shrimp. :)
Has anyone ever seen Sulawesi for sale in Ottawa?
Not me. I have only seen them in Toronto, and via online ordering (I haven't been to Montreal in some time, so not sure what they have there).
I haven't seen them either, and I have cherries and amano in my setup.
CRS & CBS x 150 (about)
Black king kong xTWO
Bee shrimp x n :)
I would love some Sulawesi shrimp. I have a few of the Sulawesi snails...elephant snails...so I have the perfect set-up for them already. Menagerie in Toronto was supposed to get them in a long time ago but I'm not too sure of they did.
I have no time for obsessing about new shrimp though :(
i have sunkist shrimps hoping that they will breed... and my black bees just vanished when i transferred them to my Crystal shrimp tank :( also have Rilis and amanos. trying to figure out how to make the damn amano naupliis survive for a week....
sulawesi are so cool but expensive -_-
I've wondered about keeping shrimp. Are they safe in an amazon-like tank?
Yeah sulawesis are expensive and also looks to be very picky regarding water conditions.. so def needs some attention there but man they look awesome!
dpatte, shrimp don't like warm temps...except the sulawesi shrimp. If the temp is over 75, they don't do as well and don't live as long. As far as other water conditions, they don't seem to like super hard water and a very high PH. They're very "middle of the road" in that respect.
Amano shrimp are a great starter shrimp. Cherry shrimp are easy to keep too.
Thanks. My tanks are always 25C and lower pH. but I suspect the shrimp might get eaten.
Quote from: blueknight0303 on August 24, 2012, 11:18:03 PM
i have sunkist shrimps hoping that they will breed... and my black bees just vanished when i transferred them to my Crystal shrimp tank :( also have Rilis and amanos. trying to figure out how to make the damn amano naupliis survive for a week....
sulawesi are so cool but expensive -_-
What type of rili's? I just ordered some but would love to get some diversity into the gene pool. And if I'm not mistaken I believe that amano naupliis need to go through a brackish water stage.
They only need that when they're hatchlings. By the time they're of a saleable size, they're completely freshwater.
Quote from: bettabreeder on August 25, 2012, 11:27:49 PM
What type of rili's? I just ordered some but would love to get some diversity into the gene pool. And if I'm not mistaken I believe that amano naupliis need to go through a brackish water stage.
i have 5 red rilis... hoping they breed on me too! i have seen females with eggs but i havent seen any hatchlings.... and yea i know brackish..i tried 2 setups, salt and brackish but they seem to not last long... i tried feeding plankton and artemia food... but still get none... now im hoping i get new batch of fertilied eggs again.
Quote from: blueknight0303 on August 26, 2012, 02:29:27 AM
i have 5 red rilis... hoping they breed on me too! i have seen females with eggs but i havent seen any hatchlings.... and yea i know brackish..i tried 2 setups, salt and brackish but they seem to not last long... i tried feeding plankton and artemia food... but still get none... now im hoping i get new batch of fertilied eggs again.
The planted tank has a lot of info on raising zoas in brackish water.
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Cherry Shrimp only these days. I had CRS & Tiger Shrimp when my Son was younger because he loved Shrimp, but they kind of grew on me too over the years. I'd like to have another little shrimp-only tank again someday.
I have some red sukura.....red reili.....blue jelly...nice shade of blue....some mini mexican orange creyfish....white creyfish.....always looking for something different....
Very cool! Well just wanted to share that I got some OEBT shrimp in today and they are honestly so cool to watch. I hope that if my CRS are breeding then they will too as they require very similar conditions. Will keep people posted
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Nice! Those guys just freak me out for some reason :) I hope your breeding is successful!! Where did you find them?
Quote from: Fishnut on October 03, 2012, 06:20:35 PM
Nice! Those guys just freak me out for some reason :) I hope your breeding is successful!! Where did you find them?
I hope they breed too! I got them from alphaprobreeders. The guy there is very knowledgeable and very passionate about what he does. He has been working on his oebt line for a very long time and its shown in the quality of the shrimp he sent me.
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-crystal red
-minami? they breed like mad :)
I only keep cherry and Amano shrimp since I have relatively hard, high ph well water. I have had success with both.
Bamboo Filter shrimp, red cherry.