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Tank storage.

Started by torch89, September 09, 2006, 04:56:26 PM

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Just purchased what I would have to call my first monster tank.  O.k., to most of you, 60 gallons probably isn't that big, but for me, it is.  To date, I have been living with a little 20 gallon and another  10 gallon planted tank.  Plant clippings graciously supplied by Charlie and some plants I purchased at one of the club meetings.  The up side of my new tank (sorry, but I feel the need to brag), is it came with a stand, proper hoods with flourescent lights, two massive whisper filters, heater, a huge pleco and some other big cichlids, all for $50.00.  The guy just didn't have time for the fish anymore.  Can't set the tank up right away, that is the down side, so nicely gave the fish to a very eager friend of mine (maybe I should have sold them to him to defer my costs of the tank, but anyway).  Now my big problem is storage of this unit.  As long as the unit is totally dry, is there any harm in storing it in a garage that isn't heated in freezing weather?  Concerned about cracking of tank or drying of silicone.  Anyone have any thoughts or experience with this?  If it becomes too much of a problem to do this, I might just try and trade the tank down to a better one for my place for now. Input on the storage of tank would be appreciated.  No input needed as per my sanity in buying this tank.  I just couldn't leave it behind.  Maybe a move is in order so I can use it.         


You got a great deal, torch!

Storing the tank in the garage over the winter will affect the structural integrity of the silicone.  Although it might make it through the winter and still hold water, the silicone will be affected and it's life will be severely shortened for it's purpose.  I wouldn't recommend the tank sit in the garage unless you are already planning to reseal it.  The rest of the stuff is fine, tho.

And, BTW, there is nothing small about a 60gallon tank, or any reason not to be proud of it.  The size of the tank isn't what makes it beautiful.  For reference, see some of Toss' 10gallon tanks.  Nuff said.  :)


Just curious DD, why do you come to that conclusion that the silicon will be compromised by freezing? GE Silicone I is rated for indoor/outdoor use. Since it is sold in Canada with no warning about freezing, one would expect no failure due to cold weather.

Of course, we don't know what silicon was used but I'm still curious as to your answer.


Tanks aren't designed to operate in -30C temperatures so it's likely they haven't used a silicone rated for such.  Plus, silicone put on windows and doors hasn't been rated for holding water under pressure.  A freezing winter would put micro-cracks into the silicone, which could be a problem underwater over time.

Again, I'm not suggesting you'll get an immediate blowout, I'm saying the silicone will be weakened.


Thank you for your opinion DD, much appreciated.  Perhaps I will bring the tank in for the winter after all.  I'm in the north and we get very cold winters and the tank isn't all that new either, so I figure why push it.  Felt kinda stupid asking that question on here as seemed so simple, but now glad I did.  Great to have such a site available and nice people to gain knowledge from.