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Tiny fish recommendations - 20 Gallon plant tank

Started by KLKelly, September 11, 2006, 06:22:00 PM

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I am just getting into the aquarium hobby (I'm hooked!). 

I've have a 20 gallon plant tank successfully set up for about a month.  We are thinking about adding a small bunch of schooling tropicals.  I loved the Harlequin Rasboras but my PH is too high for them.
For my 40g goldfish tank we bypass the softener - PH after bubbling for 24 hours is about 8.2.  KH is 14, and GH is 10.  I also have .15 ammonia in the well water.  Ammonia is non existant in the plant tank so the plants take care of this. Is there a small tropical that could withstand the bypassed water - it's only a 20 gallon - quite small? If not the GH I believe drops to 3.5/4.0 in the softened water.

In the plant tank - currently 3 watts per gallon, CO2 diffuser (almost a DIY canister setup - no controls), PH of 7.6 - water aeration is currently provided via a Penguin 100. KH 14.  Currently not cycled.

I'd also love to add a couple shrimp in the future.

I would love some fish recommendations!!!!


We just got some neat little tetras at BA, loreto tetras, look like small black neons with a splash of red in the tail, and pygmy cories.


I like White Cloud Mountain minnows.  I have a school of 12, 6 "regular" and 6 gold coloured ones, in my 33 and keep meaning to get so more.



i like emerald eye rasboras, and harlequin rasboras, both stay small. and are both pritty. but if you want it to look realy good, just go with one type, like 20 emerals, or 20 harlequins.


I love sparkling gouramis.. gorgeous little tiny fish!


I'm with sean on the emerald eye rasboras, they are a beautiful little fish.



I am partial to the Tetra - the diamond tetra's are under-rated - with the right light the are a very nice fish.

But the emerald eyed Rasboras are nice as well.