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Angels spawning?

Started by Eric, September 15, 2006, 12:27:20 PM

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I have had angels spawn before without doing anything much.  Now I am taking care of a friend's fish and they won't seem to get on with it.  Their breeding tubes have been visible for about 4 weeks.  They are obviously paired and looking interested (I think anyway).  They clean a spawing site daily.  The water, temp, food and lights are all good.  I have increased water changes.  I don't know if they have ever spawned before. 

Is this normal?  Is there anything I can do?  I always thought once you could sex them by their breeding tubes it was pretty much inevitable.

Don't they know they have to follow my schedule!!

Thanks if anyone has advice.



I have a pair of angels that produced eggs about a month ago.  Overnight on the first night they all disappeared.  I'm thinking that maybe the pleco got them.  Yesterday I noticed more eggs and the angels were protecting them.  They've lasted overnight but I'm not sure what to do from here.  Should I remove the eggs?  Or remove the babies when they become free swimming?


Quote from: Eric on September 15, 2006, 12:27:20 PM
They are obviously paired and looking interested (I think anyway).  They clean a spawing site daily.  The water, temp, food and lights are all good.  I have increased water changes.  I don't know if they have ever spawned before. 

A few questions:
Do they clean the same spawning site daily?
Are there any other fish in the tank, dithers etc.?
Have you tried playing them Barry White?  ;D

If they are not finding a suitable site, away from predation from other tank inhabitants, if there are any, they will put off spawning.  I have a pair who spawn regularly(my avatar picture) who can't seem to find the perfect spot this time, so they clean a spot, then another spot etc.. Adding a piece of slate leaning at a slight angle in the tank, or a nice broad leafed plant often does the trick.
And Barry White, well rumour has it that it might help set the mood  ;)
Good luck.


Hi -
Thanks succintfish.  I have a few other fish -- two swordtails, a couple of guppies, an otto -- really just leftover fish from my friend's tank.  I wasn't planning to do anything with this tank until I saw the angels getting ready to breed. (or so I thought)
I added a piece of slate a few weeks ago.  They clean it a few minutes a day, but that's about it.  Not obsessive at all. 
Maybe they are just fooling around...  I have never seen Angels not breed after their tubes were visible, but I am not an expert or anything. 
Barry White is a good thought :)  I've probably been playing them too much Metallica.  Maybe I should rent a romantic comedy?