Meeting location for the 2024/2025 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.


Started by artw, September 17, 2006, 12:30:34 PM

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hey betta people,
my rather gorgeous male betta has been flaring at the gold barbs all morning, he pretty much pwns the 90 gallon.
So what would happen if I threw in a female betta?  would everything in the tank immediately die?  is there anything I need to specifically do if I choose to throw in a female betta?  I have the fish in my signature, predominately gold barbs, cherry barbs, cardinals,  one koiangel and some bottom stuff.


My opinion... I would not add a female betta to your tank.  Males and females are pretty much only compatible when breeding, and that's it.  The male would kill the female, or the female would kill the male... maybe not immediately, but it's a ticking time bomb, IMO.   


I agree with what squeeker says.. and at the very least, it would be an extremely stressful situation for both the male and female fish.


that's what I kinda figured, I do know a little about bettas.  I'll just keep watching him be king of the 90g LOL


I'd get another tank to breed them in all alone if that's what you wanted to do. Things get mighty rough when they do their deeds... And pack it with plants and i'd say no filter and water temp around 80 degrees F. I'd also check out places that tell you a bit moe about doing that.


I've kept male and female bettas in the same tank many times without any problems. In a small tank the little female would get harassed constantly, but in a 90 gallon, it would not be a problem. I've even heard(althought not seen) of people keeping more than one male in large well planted tanks. If you want to keep a female with your male betta, I would suggest getting at least 2-3 females though, just to spread the aggression a little.

Good luck!


Sarah Bella

Quote from: Steve_2 on September 18, 2006, 03:24:38 PM
I've kept male and female bettas in the same tank many times without any problems. In a small tank the little female would get harassed constantly, but in a 90 gallon, it would not be a problem. I've even heard(althought not seen) of people keeping more than one male in large well planted tanks. If you want to keep a female with your male betta, I would suggest getting at least 2-3 females though, just to spread the aggression a little.

Good luck!


Steves right

Not a problem if you have hiding places...   a coconut cave works well, or lots of plants.  The females are short finned so they wont get snagged on anything.   in a 90 i doubt they would see each other that often anyway, especially in a planted tank. .    in a tank that size with those fish you could probably get away with 4 or 5 females

I've had a m & f in a bare 5gaL tank for a few months with no problems, not even a nipped fin.  I've had a male in my sorority tank without any problems either.   

Its a personal call, some fish are a bit sketchier than others but if you choose a young pair you shouldn't see any agression.  If your male hasn't ripped the fins of your angel he should be ok with a lady friend. the key is plants and hiding spaces..   

If you want some true community bettas for your tank you might wanna consider betta prima.  you can keep multiple males & females together along with any other community fish you have.  you lose the colour and the finnage of betta splendens, it's a big trade off...