Meeting location for the 2024/2025 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

OVAS Membership Drive

Started by BigDaddy, September 08, 2006, 01:36:49 PM

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Quote from: Shouganai on September 25, 2006, 10:21:34 AM
Not suprising, really.. though at the Kanata location that day, I noticed Adopt-a-Greyhound was there.
Yes, I was aware of the irony, and the managers seemed helpless, there appears to be a local fish manager for all the local stores who has some issue with OVAS, I had tentative permission and co-operation from 3 of the stores, and after everything had been seemingly okayed, they were all called by this person who summarily told them no way about our club. I am working on it.

I suspect someone here may actually know who he is, and any information would be helpful in arming me to deal with this OVAS dissenter. I mean honestly, it seems rather foolhardy to say yes to one club and not another and not expect someone to comment on the ridiculousness of the situation.


I'm sure a number of us know who he is, and could probably discuss it with you at the meeting this evening. :)

I've seen a number of organizations have table set up at SP in the past... its just bad PR to disallow a large club that would only help your business.


It does seem strange that they will allow members of OVAS a discount but not allow the club any further involvement with the store. Did someone piss this gentleman off in the past?


That's really... really... weird.

Hopefully you can pass along the proper contacts Shouganai. (I won't be at the meeting tonight.)

But I can't say I'm surprised at all.