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dying gouramis

Started by k-dogg, October 21, 2006, 01:30:55 PM

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in the pastmonth i've lost 3 gouramis of various types and am about to lose a 4th. i have tested the water and it's good. frequent water changes because (about 15-20%) twice a week because my tank is overpopulated, but that another story. took 4th sick fish to superpet today along with some water. the guy told me to aerate with airstone....add tetracyclene (sold me capsules) lower tank temp., and increase protein by feeding bloodworms twice a day.....any input would be appreciated.

thanx, k-dogg


what were the water parameters like from the test?


water temp is 22 c. nitrites 0, ammonia 0, ph 7.6-7.8,  fish would get lesions on their sides, after a few days stop eating and then gasp at top corner of tank.


nitrates? if its an established tank these are what would be the final product being produced from fish waste and other decaying things, as for lesians on the sides of the fish.. are you adding a conditioner to the water?


don't have a nitrate tester in kit, only nitrite. i'm assuming nitrates are okay because i had the water tested at superpet as well and they said it was okay. i always add "cycle" and "aquaplus" water conditioners at every water change. i only put it in the water i'm adding and not the complete tank.


that is weird, your Gouramies are dying!!!!!!
what kind are they?.......
I got 9 gouramies in my 55g opaline/gold/lavander/paradise/blue
these guys have been with me for over 4 years...
I think they will die of age. :-\ mention over populated!!!!!!
there is your anwser...........high levels of amonia
and unbalanced ph not to mention nitrates due to
food waste.......also how big is your tank........??
they could be stress out!!!!! Water changes too often unables
proper water stability in your tank....also your filtration plays part.
try small water changes and less feeding......and if
keep loosing gouramies perhaps try placing them on their
own tank......IMO.
also keep in mind gouramies get quite large.
keep us posted.
120g REEF Upgrading to a 180g soon
38G REEF


well if it is an established tank that would be the "toxin" that would be building up in there that may cause problems, how old is the tank? (ie how long has it had fish in it and been running with out and major filter media swaps or super hard cleanings?) 
i personally think cycle is a waste of money but some people use it.... but thats another story

if your tank is over populated it has a higher chance that nitrates will build up in there faster than one witha lower bioload so that maybe the problem, if you did test the other parameters and said they were 0... i'd maybe suggest testing again and i would not just go on "your water is fine " from petco to be honest, i'd probably want to know what they tested and what were the results


right now i have 8 serpae tetras, 1 honey gourami (lost 1), 3 powder blue dwarf gouramis (lost 1, i'm pretty sure i'll lose another), 2 angelfish, and 3 chinese algae eaters. all in 27 gallon tank. tank has been operating since early april. i've also lost 2 chocolate gouramis.... is it possible the angels are snacking on them????  they are getting pretty big. just bought a little bit bigger tank (33g.) maybe this will give them a little more space. i'm using a penguin 350 filter which is supposed to do up a 75 gallon tank.


by your response,you got some of the most delicate
Gouramies of them all.
the dwarf types are by far the hardest to keep.
I gave up on them after keeping that kind for over 2 years.
after the 9th death I decided to switch to the larger cousins
and ever since, I have only lost one in the last 3 years.
the only down fall of the larger gouramies is they lack
some of the vibrant colors the dwarf  have.
120g REEF Upgrading to a 180g soon
38G REEF