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white spots on bogwood

Started by kyonis, October 30, 2006, 10:45:35 PM

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in the last 10-14 days one of the 2 bogwoods in my 10 gal planted tank started to show a lot of white oval shaped spots. The spots are something that is sticking on the wood. If I pushed on it with a wooden BBQ stick, the spot will come out. I have no Idea what they could be. I was thinking that they could be snail eggs but I ruled it out since I only have 1 zebra snail (I think these guys require 2 to breed) and some ram horn snail (they lay very small batches of eggs on the glass normally that look nothing like the spots am talking about).

The tank's water is clean, and Ph is 7.5.

The spots started after the last water change.

I took some pics. I hope someone knows what they are.

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I'd love to help ya on this one...but I've never seen anything like that b4?!
Tanks: salty nano cube, working on a fresh 125

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I don't know anything about bogwood.  Thought your post was interesting and googled it.

Came across this link...

b. If the bogwood is not petrified the living wood will rot underwater and grow a white fungus. This does not harm the fish and can usually be brushed off.

It may be way way off the mark... I'm a newbie to the hobby.



thanks Karrie

it could be something like that although I doubt it. you see when I push on the spots they fall off as one unit, as if they were something attached to the wood.

really appreciate your input :)


Do you have a pleco? They just loooooove to eat weird fungusy stuff off of wood :)  Maybe put one in and see what happens.

How long have you had the wood in your tank?


I had the tank with this setup for about 7-8 months. I'll try to find a small pleco but the tank is only 10 gal.