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Female Beta in a community tank?

Started by torch89, October 28, 2006, 10:53:32 AM

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Just adopted a female beta from someone with a leaking tank.  I seem to hear that they are o.k. in community tanks and also hear they can be problematic.  Not sure what to think now.  I have a 20 gallon planted community tank I would like to put her into.  It houses three rosey barbs, 4 neon tetras, a glowlight tetra, one male Kribensis, and a couple of algae eaters.  Does anyone see a problem with this?  Input appreciated.   


Quote from: torch89 on October 28, 2006, 10:53:32 AM
Just adopted a female beta from someone with a leaking tank.  I seem to hear that they are o.k. in community tanks and also hear they can be problematic.  Not sure what to think now.  I have a 20 gallon planted community tank I would like to put her into.  It houses three rosey barbs, 4 neon tetras, a glowlight tetra, one male Kribensis, and a couple of algae eaters.  Does anyone see a problem with this?  Input appreciated.   
can see prob with the rosy , but not big deal you have only 3


depends on your fish's personallities ultimately, but generally i'd say its ok


You might, you might not.  barbs can be fin nippers, and so can bettas.  Best bet is to try it, monitor it closely, and be prepared with a backup plan just in case.

Even if things go fine for a week, the situation could change.  If you start seeing problems, remove the betta.


I've only ever had one female betta be a problem.  All the rest have done really nicely in community tanks.


Bettas shouldn't be housed with barbs for exactly the reason stated - barbs are fin-nippers and females don't move fast enough. They also should NOT(edit) live with: angels (same reason), gourmis/paradise fish & other anabatoids (can cross breed & will fight), I used to have a list, I'll have to find it.

Female bettas generally make REALLY WONDERFUL community fish & I highly recommend getting a school of 5-6 for a tank of their own (a well maintained 10 gallon would be fine but a planted 15-20 even better) . You'll get to see their personalities really shine thru, watch them bask on top of plants or filters (out of the water!), establish their heiarchy, or even nap in a huge heap on the bottom. I have some really cute pictures of my girls doing just that - but I'll have to find them too :)



Well, thank you all for your input.  Seems I am still in the same state as was in when posted the questions. UGH!  Guess I'll just have to keep thinking about it for a bit.  Thanks all for your opinions. 


How is your new Betta getting along with everyone else so far?


I had to toss my female betta in my 75 with my gouramis and barbs...she minds her own business and they mind theirs. keep in mind the tank is HEAVILY planted...and they never interact with one another (or from what I see).

Good luck!
55 Gallon: Zamora Woodcats, Gold Gourami, Severum, Convicts
Misc tanks: Glo Light Tetras, Harlequin Tetras, Danios, Platies, Guppies, Otto cats
Breeding: Platies, Guppies, Convicts


LOL.  I haven't actually put the betta (oops, was spelling it wrong) in the community tank yet, so can't tell you how it is going.  I hate to be the one that leads to her shredding of fins.  Maybe I will decide to try it this weekend when I can watch things more closely.


Well, rather than risk the betta in my community tank, I gave her to a little girl today.  I purchased a great 20 gallon aquarium setup from her parents and the deal was when they sold the aquarium they would buy her a betta.  Considering this was a beautiful, happy, healthy female, I decided to offer it to her.  Betta now in new home. Thanks for all the input.