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Corries with tropheus?

Started by dandaman, October 28, 2006, 10:29:56 PM

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Hey everyone,
I was wondering if I could add my 3 sterbai corydoras into my 80 gallon tank stocked with 24 tropheus?   Trohpeus are about 4" long.

Any info appreciated,
80- 5 Tropheus Brichardi Malagarasi
55- Planted Communnity
35- Discus/Angel Community
10- Breeding tank


c. sterbai are softwater lower pH, higher temperature fish, whereas tropheus are hardwater, higher pH, lower temperature.

So right off the bat, I would say it isn't a good idea, as one of them won't be very happy depending on your water parameters.

Additionally, eyes on cories are prone to being removed by aggressive fish such as these, especially 24 of them in such a small tank, they are territorial, and the cories will not have anywhere to go, as they are bottom fish. FWIW


Alright, I guess you are right, I will not be putting them in with the tropheus after all.
Thanks for the info,
80- 5 Tropheus Brichardi Malagarasi
55- Planted Communnity
35- Discus/Angel Community
10- Breeding tank


Probably not a good match, and not worth the risk that the cories could introduce some disease to your colony. I wonder what the tropheus would think of them? I doubt they would attack but who knows.  I have clown pleco's in with some duboisi and they are ignored. But the pleco's hide in the rocks. I once accidentally added some some tiny swordtails and a guppy into a tank with tropheus. The swordtails thrived and grew to adult size, the guppy vanished right away. 

How do you find the T. brichardi, compared to the duboisi you used to have? I've heard they are very aggressive. You should post a picture of them, I've never even seen a colony of brichardi's.


alright cool, ill post a picture as soon as I can
80- 5 Tropheus Brichardi Malagarasi
55- Planted Communnity
35- Discus/Angel Community
10- Breeding tank