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Transporting fish

Started by freshwater, November 11, 2006, 02:09:31 PM

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Hello all,

I go to school here, and of course I have to have an aquarium in my room ;D; it's an african cichlid tank. When school is over, I want to bring all the fish home(Windsor), but that's a 10 hours train(or bus) ride, at least. I have never done this before, and I'm not sure how to keep the fish alive during the trip. Especially, how to keep an acceptable oxygen level and temperature in the bag, or what's a good water-to-fish ratio when transporting?

Any advice would be appreciated :)



How many fish are we talking about and how big?
I would bag no more than two per bag ,leaving lot of room for air .Then put these in a quality pinic cooler.With the large air space they should be able to make a ten hour trip.

This is only my opinion , maybe other people have other ideas.
Good luck


I got a few badis from zapisto. The fish came from Montreal(2 hour ride) and I was not able to get in the tank before 8 pm that night.

The bags that were used is the reason for the reply. He bagged the fish is Kordon's breathing bags. They seem to allow gas exchange through them which allows CO2 to leave the bag and O2 to come in keeping the fish health.

Another important this is that with these bags you don't leavce any air in the bag it self when closing it. This is really good since no air means way much less water movements when shipping fish. (try it out, 2 bags, one all they way full and one half way, place a marble in each before closing and shake them). This will really keep the fish much calmer in transport.

You can read a bit about them online, I found this link:

check online. also with zapisto he might be able to hook you up with some. The one used for the badis were really small but they should be large enough for what size fish you got.

hope that healps :)


Fish bagged for the Montreal auction will be in their bags from 10 to 18 hours. Mine will be bagged at 6AM and I'll be back home around 10 or 11PM.


I'm looking @ transporting 10 two and half inch african cichlids.

I have seen people put in blue tablet when bagging fish, I think it's call something like "Bag Buddies", suppostly keeping oxygen in the water. Anyone heard of it?


10 hour is nothing for fish in bag when they are well prepared and bagged.
i ship fish all over canada , and receive fish from all over the world.

the Keys are :
- dont feed the fish for 24/48 hours before bagged
- dont be cheap, dont put too many fish in bag (number depend of species)
- 1/3 water 2/3 air (or use breathing bag)
- in the cold weather add heat pack
- optionnal but very good, use O2 not air
- use styrofoam box

some fish need more precaution to get shiped ( cory for exemple).

hope this help


Zapisto's info is right on.  If prepared in this way, they can survive for several days in the bag.  Adding Bag Buddies helps but isn't essential for short trips.  Bag buddies are a little pill that combines an ammonia detoxifier with oxygen and a mild sedative to keep them calm.


where can I get some Bag Buddies?