Meeting location for the 2024/2025 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.


Started by groan, January 03, 2007, 02:47:00 PM

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I just joined the ranks of the members today so I guess I would add an intro.

I've been lurking around here for a long time as some of you know.
I purchased a house a few years ago (maybe 2?) and with it came a pond and 30gal tank.
the pond had 5 goldfish in it and the tank was a hjolding tank for the GF in the winter.
At that point is where I arrived on this site. I wanted to learn about the gold fish and in the end decided to get rid of them and fill in the pond. The preform went to a member of this site, Squeeker, and I ended up turning the tank into a tetra community.
After a while I wanted more...sold the tetras and turned to the dark side of cichlids. I'm slowly learning withg the help of many people here and recently aquired a 70 gal from my father who just got out of the hobby. I am in the process of figuring out what to put in it along with the stock I acquired from Darkdep.

Other than fish my hobbies include bonsai ( is my own site and the people there have been a great bunch), computers/gaming and fishing in the spring/summer/fall (purely catch and release!!!).

I am almost 40 years old and have a 3 year old son.

That's me in a nutshell.


Quote from: groan on January 03, 2007, 02:47:00 PM
the tank was a hjolding tank for the GF in the winter.

She must have been a little uncomfortable!  Haha sorry, couldn't help myself (GF=girlfriend) *groan*.  Hi.   :)
Tanks: salty nano cube, working on a fresh 125

Life is too short to wake up with regrets.  So love the people who treat you right.  Forget about the one's who don't.  Believe everything happens for a reason.  If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands.  If it changes your life, let it.  Nobody said life would be easy, they just promised it would be worth it.



I must agree with Roxydog, I can't imagine your girlfriend holding still in a 30 gallon tank for the winter, wouldn't relatives complain?(maybe even she would complain)

Welcome to the club and the website, and though it is the dark side of the cichlids, have fun with them, they should keep you amused with their antics.

Good luck with the new 70, remember to put in water first, the fish like that stuff I hear. Is there any chance you could fix your link, as it is busticated, and bonsai are very cool trees, a real adventure in patience and the art of presentation. You may well wish to consider a planted fish tank soon, I imagine you would have an eye for arrangement.



Link fixed and thanks for the welcome!

I am loving the cichlids very much. especially now that they are in thier new home.  :D


I've always wanted a bonsai, any good places around Ottawa to look into them?


There used to be one years ago but that closed up.
Bonsaiconcepts also used to have a booth here at St. Lauent but I have not seen it for a while, so in short, nowhere really to buy what we call a pre-bonsai (a tree in a bonsai-style pot that has had some training). The only real option is to drive to Cardinal Ontario and visit the Bonsai Concepts nursery or buy a nursery tree and train it yourself.


Welcome, groan!

Just one question - how did you get into that nutshell? :D

The Bonsaiconcepts booth used to be found in Rideau Centre as well, or maybe that's what you meant.  I haven't seen it there for a while either.  They actually have a good selection of 'pre-bonsai' trees and supplies at the RONA next to BA Innes - now you can support both hobbies with one trip ;)


watch out for the rona bonsai though.
often the people there dont look after them the way they should. it's best to get there right after they get a shipment.

Also, if you ever buy a bonsai from a mall or store like this, first thing is to remove the glued on rocks they put on top. this is mainly for shipping so the tree does not fall out of the pot.
most people don't realize this.

I have big nutshells.


Interesting to know. Before I get one though I want to read up and see what "tools" I need, the light and food requirements etc.