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To bake, or not to bake, cookies are the question

Started by babblefish1960, December 19, 2006, 02:12:03 AM

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Don't be fooled by the previous post, roxydog seems to have a vested interest in the potluck, a very biased opinion you might say. :D

I for one will be pining for her amazingly amazing cookies, and waiting until the new year is a terrible burden, vote wisely and vote often. I suppose roxy could use some elves or surrogate ovens to expand her franchise, that in itself could be a hoot. ;)


OH, someone save me from myself, I just voted for the potluck!


Aha, I knew you were losing your mind, not only did you raise the ire of babble, but you seconded yourself to toil in your own kitchen for countless hours, fending off husband and children and pets from consuming your self inflicted noblesse oblige, you big silly, seems there are some things you have yet to learn grasshopper. :D ;) :P


The only pets I have are the fish - the cookies are safe from them!
And, why would I raise your ire, Mr. Babble, are you suggesting that my cookies are somehow inferior??


Uh Oh! It would appear as though I have a case of black tongue disease, foot planted firmly in mouth when speaking. The words come out all muffled, but I still say them.( there is no room for cookies when I do this)

Well, in my defense, might I suggest that I could not possibly have an opinion in either direction as regards the skill and palatability of your particular adroitness in producing cookies of note as consumables by the likes of my particular ilk. Moreover, I used the "ire" of babble as a double entendre that a wizened person could have seen as a jape ascertaining a point by clue, as the rhyming characteristic of "tower of babble", he who doth suffer an excess of verbiage akin to verbal diarrhoea.

Suffice it to say that I could not even suggest that your particular cookies were in any way inferior, until I have experienced them for myself.

There, I think that covers all the bases, touche fair fishycanuckness, You have hoist yourself by your own petard. :D

In retrospect, should you value my opinion as regards your kitchenary delights from cookiedom, then you would need to supply moi with some of your examples to aid in putting this clear demarcation of facts and fancy into the realm of quod erat demonstradum. :D :P


 ;D ;D Only this time, make sure there is enough for everyone! ;D ;D
Like PFG says "I miss this place and all the people associated with it."


Well, the votes are all in and tallied, and the Roxydog's terrific must have cookies won out no question. However, it would be hard to not notice that Roxydog waylaid this idea, and has somehow finagled the cookies out of the kitchens of mysterious oompa loompahs and so it would seem that there is to be a cookie potluck after all. No worries, I'm sure it will all be outstanding.