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Guilt - broke down my Frontosa tank...

Started by oenology, February 03, 2007, 02:12:28 PM

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I just broke down my Frontosa tank - very sad to see them go but they've gone to a great home - expanded universe and all (from a 130g to a 220g!). Unfortunately one poor guy didn't get to make the move. When I was removing the rock work look what I found: what I thought was a fish in hiding was actually a stuck fish! Poor guy must have been there for a week and I didn't notice that he didn't come out to feed. So now he is in a hospital tank with metronidazole and IM Baytril shots for the next few days. Time will tell if he can get over my neglect :-[ :'(

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Ouch that looks like it might hurt.  Hope he gets well.  Something similar happened to me a while ago and I lost a burmese loach.  I was redoing my tank and he got stuck between some rocks.  After a couple of days of not seeing him I went looking and found him dead.


I hope he gets better Jenn, your Fronts were always a pleasure to see this summer.



I am sad to hear about your frontosa....was it the one with the swim bladder problem?...did bruce grab the others off of you?.... good to hear that the others made it to a good home
90 gallon/ 90 gallon sump all male show tank, 75g Accie, 75g masoni reef alonacara, yellow lab and trio of flame backs, 75 gal tawain reef, 75 gal bi500, red shoulder, blue regal,
40 gal breeder  F1 electric blue frierei, 25 gal sunshine peacock males awaiting females, 20 gallon trio albino pleco, 65gal neolamprongus Brachardi pulcher 2 30g fry grow out, 20g hatchery with 4 batches of eggs currently
Starting on a fish wall for breeding more coming soon!


Quote from: sniggir on February 03, 2007, 08:08:18 PM
I am sad to hear about your frontosa....was it the one with the swim bladder problem?...did bruce grab the others off of you?.... good to hear that the others made it to a good home
Yeah, that was the one - largest sub-dominant male. I should have realised when I didn't see him floating anymore. No Bruce got my kaiser II colony and a few others. The fronts went down towards Montreal. God it's hard to let things go. One of the front females was holding (hence the chased/stuck fish) and so was one of the kaisers who released her fry in the bucket - Bonus for Bruce, heart-ache for me...


Sorry to hear about the wounded little fellow, at least you discovered him. Of course it is hard to let them go, in a way our fish are pets, and cared for pets are always family, and though some family is easier to forget, the fish are not, as they rely on us for absolutely everything.


I'm sorry to hear about your little guy too.

I wanted to say that it is really great to see some of you going so above and beyond for your fish.  I've done baytril shots and flagyl tank treatment for one of my goldfish when she was dying and she actually pulled through (knock on wood!!!).  I didn't realize that some of you do so for your fish also. 

I really hope he pulls through.



Goodness - that fish is lucky to have a vet for a mom!


My first post on here was looking for a fish vet lol.  I would have paid you guys darnit - I could have done without learning how to inject fish and everything that goes along with it.  My fish are definitely part of the family and it really is neat to see others feel that way too.

How many injections are you going to do?  I came across a variety of dosing schedules.  A vet in the US recommends 1 shot every four days.  (and dosage dependent on weight of the fish).  I did every other day - four injections (I didn't think my fish would make four days).


Quote from: KLKelly on February 04, 2007, 01:14:42 PM
My first post on here was looking for a fish vet lol.  I would have paid you guys darnit - I could have done without learning how to inject fish and everything that goes along with it.  My fish are definitely part of the family and it really is neat to see others feel that way too.

How many injections are you going to do?  I came across a variety of dosing schedules.  A vet in the US recommends 1 shot every four days.  (and dosage dependent on weight of the fish).  I did every other day - four injections (I didn't think my fish would make four days).
I'm using 14mg/kg of fish. My guy weighs 166mg so I need to give him 0.04ml, Baytril being 50mg/ml. At least I hope I did my math right. Never my strong point. Anyway, I will do 1x/day for 3 shots then once every other day for 3 more - this is from Dr. Johnston, the koi vet. I'm just hoping that it is the small dosage as koi.

I didn't volunteer my services because I'm not trained as a fish vet. Therefore I don't feel comfortable taking professional responsibility for someone elses animal. Glad to here that you managed.