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Angelfish Problem

Started by Eric, February 19, 2007, 01:11:04 PM

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I have another post up about a maybe sick tank.  This is nothing to do with that.  (And really, I do take good care of my fish he said defensively).

I bought a 2-3" angel about a month ago.  It was a bit of a rescue -- he was turned into the lfs and had badly frayed fins, not swimming or eating.  Basically, he looked like he was failing.  I used pima-fix and lots of water changes.

He has come along great.  His fins are grown back.  He is not shy anymore.  Swims all over the tank. 

But it was difficult getting him to eat.  He turns down frozen or flaked brine shrimp (!!) fd tubifex and any mixed flakes.  He eats frozen plankton or bloodworms a bit, but seems to spit out a lot. 

The last day or two, he is not swimming much and is slightly nose up in the water.  He is turning down food again.

Anyone have a food or care suggestion?  I am a bit worried he is backsliding.



Is that fish in the same tank as the others that are sick/dying?  If so, bringing that already sick fish in your tank may have spread a disease he had already that was not entirely cured when you treated it.  I really am no expert in this at all and others will be able to help you more but if that fish is in the same tank as the others, I would say the angel fish may be responsible for the death/sickness of the others.

I would recommend not buying any fish that looks sick.  If in doubt, leave the fish or at least leave him quarantined in another tank if possible.  Don't risk bringing a disease into your healthy tank.


Eric - I don't know anything about Angelfish except that they are pretty : )  Sounds like he went through a lot before you got him lucky that you brought him home!

I assume the water tests are good.  When my fish went through a bout of spitting food they also had white stringy poop.  (unfortunately I had to go on poop watch).... after researching I found that this was a sign of probably a bacterial infection.  My fish were still trying to eat and I was able to get them to eat Medigold (bought from  I hear Jungle makes an antibacterial food also.

So...  can you tell if his 'output' is normal or is it maybe white and stringy?  Is he in the tank that has the sick fish or in a different tank?

Any other signs - like flicking or flashing?

I think people are angels for rescuing sick fish but like the previous poster said - only if you have a hospital tank : )

Hope the little guy pulls through for you!!!!!



Unfortunately staying still and a low appetite could be a lot of things. Too many water changes can mess with your nitrates and a spike would cause that, as would internal parasites.

If you have a test kit you may want to check your water parameters and go from there.

Hope he feels better soon!


Hey thanks everybody. 

He is in a different tank.  Yes, I should have quarantined him, but it was a bit of an impulse and I decided to take the risk (hopefully not too foolishly).  The tank is very lightly stocked right now and the rest are doing fine.  Kelly, I hadn't thought about poop watch -- sounds difficult and dreary.  Maybe I should treat him with an anti-bacterial food anyway if he will take it.

My last water test was fine, but it was before the water change.  I should go back and check again.

No other signs, I realize this is all difficult to figure.  My grandpa said "looking for a black dog that isn't barking."  He may just be in a mood (the fish, not my grandpa). 

Any ideas on food that will tempt the fish? 



spitting food is a sure sign that something is wrong.  With my fish I only really worry when their appetite suffers or they spit food.  Especially blood worms.  Not sure how you would tempt him :(

Not sure if its bacterial or parasitic though - was just providing one indicator to help diagnose.


Well its all over -- he died last night.  Thanks for the advice here and pms.  All is well in the other tank now, btw.

There is a lesson in here about buying sick fish to try to save them.  Too bad, I was hoping the morale was going to be its never too late!!

And the kids want a funeral.  This will be a first (for us).



As with people, I imagine sometimes there is nothing you can do to save them.  :'(


Oh I'm so sorry. I was rooting for the little guy... :'(


We buried several fish under the cedar hedge before the kids let it go... it's a good lesson for them, too.
You did your best.


ahh I'm sorry about your fish :(
370g System

220g tank, 65g Sump. octopus Cone skimmer xp-5000, vertex zf-30 nitrate reactor, RX6 DUO Ca reactor, Mp60w Ecotech pump, 2x 400w MH XM bulbs 15k. All controlled with DA RKE-net controller, Water Blaster HY-3000 return pump, Vertex Zf-15/Carbon, Vertex Zf-15/GFO