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cycling with canister

Started by missmandy, February 22, 2007, 11:27:52 AM

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hi i was wondering if the cycling process is exactly the same if you are using a canister filter? Also I read for a planted aquarium (with fish) it doesn't entirely matter the watt of the bulb so much as the reflector. Can you reccommend some Lighting of the market that will be good? I was looking to get t8's or t12's power compact but i want a hood already assembled. I was looking at the coral life ones what do y'all say about it?


First off, I'm not a pro at planted tanks, and try to keep mine somewhat simplified.  I don't use co2, and as I said, I try and keep the wpg around 2.  A good reflector does make a difference, but I wouldn't say it is more important than the wattage. has an introductory forum for people new to keeping plants.  Also, check out the transcript of the discussion on planted tanks hosted by Bigdaddy, Toss and Jetstream from the forum  The attachment is under a post by Paleofishgirl on that thread.  You may get some of your questions answered there. 

As for lights, I don't know how the marinelife (you mentioned this one in a different thread) or coralife fixture compares, but keep in mind that you use different bulbs for freshwater vs saltwater tanks.  For the sand, do a search on the forum for discussions on type of sand - I seem to recall that there are some available for home and garden or pool use that will be much cheaper than purchasing at a LFS (local fish store)

For rocks, you may want to come to the auction in the beginning of March - there are often beautiful rocks that show up at the different small auctions, I expect others would show up at the giant auction.  It's also fun and there are always good finds.

If you're looking for driftwood, one of the forum sponsors on the forum Ottawa Discus has some beautiful big pieces of wood for sale.

Just as a suggestion, I've noticed your subject line doesn't always connect to the question you're asking.  You may get more responses if folks have a better sense of the question from the subject line  ;)

As for cycling with a canister filter, I just seeded my fluval with a sponge in one of the media compartments.

If you are looking for options for other fish for the tank and want to stick with the south american theme, I've seen rummy nose tetras in Jetream's tank and they look amazing!
700 gal pond - Rosy reds