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Cichlids compatibility... and you guessed it, many other questions ;-)

Started by hamstercaster, February 22, 2007, 02:02:27 PM

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I think most of the "facts" have already been adressed here... so I'll give you my opinion. I prefer Tanganyikan cichlids. Although -yes- they do start off less colourful, they will eventually become every bit as beautiful. As time goes on you'll find that the personality and contrast of the fish makes the tank interesting. Malawi cichlids range in colour, but I find their basic shape to be repedative.

-"When god finished making all the cichlids in lake tanganyika he was tired beyond beleif... so tired that when he came to lake Malawi he designed only one fish and through different colours of paint at each one"-

haha... Take for instance Altolamprologus Calvus. Even the basic black or white's are impressive because of their high fins and exagerated mouth structure. Point being... they "contrast" most other species, thus standing out.

Also, Lake Tanganyika has more natural predators. Therefore each species has developed it's own way of defending it's self. Shell dwellers, dig their shells in to the substrate and both live and spawn inside them. Watching a group of Ocellatus face away from their shell and borrow, causing sand to fly up behind them and cover their shell... is what solidified my interest in this hobby. When you're accustomed to the colours in your tank, its the "action" that will keep you looking.

Rockwork... I've dug hundreds and hundreds of pounds of rock out of local quaries in the last few years. The most I've ever done to clean them is use a hose and a heavy duty brush to rub off the mud. I have never had a problem with water quality in my cichlid tanks. If you don't beleive it... walk in the Big Al's Kanata and take a look at the first 100 gal tank on your right as you walk in to the fishroom. All of that rock came out of a quary and the fish loooooovvvve it!! Say hi too!

Again, that's just my opinion


Thanks for your insight Jay.. now you got me all confused again  :D in the sense that I was pretty much sold on Malawi but now I'm not so sure anymore ;D  I still have lots of time to think about it as my tank has been cycling for just one week so far.  With all the replies I got on that post, I should be able to make an enlighten decision.

Thanks again to you all


Look at it this way...Malawi will give you more "instant" satisfaction, but Tangs will possibly interest you more long term.  I've kept mostly Malawi in the past and am dabbling in Tangs at the moment, and the personalities are VERY different.  Tangs DO have much more contrast in their body shapes. 


Tangs also have realy cool I can't spell... if you arenot set on thier color then why don't you do like Jay and put a couple malawi's in there he has peacock's and some other nice malawi's in his tank at Al's....incidently he was the won that got me into tang's and now I am hooked!!!!!
90 gallon/ 90 gallon sump all male show tank, 75g Accie, 75g masoni reef alonacara, yellow lab and trio of flame backs, 75 gal tawain reef, 75 gal bi500, red shoulder, blue regal,
40 gal breeder  F1 electric blue frierei, 25 gal sunshine peacock males awaiting females, 20 gallon trio albino pleco, 65gal neolamprongus Brachardi pulcher 2 30g fry grow out, 20g hatchery with 4 batches of eggs currently
Starting on a fish wall for breeding more coming soon!