Meeting location for the 2024/2025 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

Giant Auction - your suggestions, please!

Started by PaleoFishGirl, March 05, 2007, 09:02:17 AM

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Thank you all for your suggestions, everything is being noted and taken down, keep them coming!


I agee about having a second whatever that thing is called, movable table thing.  Perhaps if JP doesn't have another one, you could rent one from somewhere for the day?  It would speed things up, and eliminate one stage of handling for the items, fragile items, and especially the fish.
Signing up for the pizza when you get your bidder number is a great idea.  I know I barely heard the last call to get in on the pizza order,and had to go hunt down Babble who was meeting with a sponsor and didn't hear it at all. Whew, that was a close one.  Babble without pizza would be so sad  :'(
It's a crazy busy time when people are bringing their items in and trying to find a place for them.  I know some fish end up in precarious locations between items.  Would dedicated fish tables work?  At least then all the live things are together, and perhaps some keen folks could volunteer to check on them, and also be there when people bring them in to see that they are housed humanely.  How about a fish volunteer who has a stack of bags of various sizes and a bowl or bucket so that people can rebag the fish, good for leaky bag situations as well.  You could charge a nominal amount for the bag, or people could donate some in advance.  Over handling is always an issue, don't know how to solve that, as folks want to look at the fish.  I must say the best person I saw with the fish was a cute little guy, who kept asking his parents if they should be lifting the lid off that bucket to look at the fish :)  Now he's got the makings of a great fishperson.


That pizza idea is great. I know the pieces I signed up for went to someone else and I know I was not the only one feeling a little hungry. Thanks Kevin for sparing me a piece of his home baked stuff  ;)

Something like issuing tickets for the pizza at registration is an awesome idea.


I think with all the responsibilities at the auction, the kitchen should be sub contracted out ( member or caterer) for a fee, thereby freeing up the volunteers for other duties.
I`m for the auction to be held on a Saturday with a earlier start time ,if possible


Quote from: charlie on March 06, 2007, 04:31:50 PM
I think with all the responsibilities at the auction, the kitchen should be sub contracted out ( member or caterer) for a fee, thereby freeing up the volunteers for other duties.
I`m for the auction to be held on a Saturday with a earlier start time ,if possible

I was thinking the same thing about the Saturday but was unsure of what tradition is around here.  A Saturday auction also allows you all of Sunday to watch over any new fishy friends.


Quote from: beowulf on March 06, 2007, 10:19:48 AM
Make sure the auctioneers are looking everwhere we lost time and some people lost items because they where not noticed.  I guess it is also up to people to speak up.

It is possible to have a designated 'spotter' as a separate poor soul that stands to the side but within view of the auctioneer and points out bidders to make them stand out more. I say poor soul because the spotter can look rather comical pointing this way and that like a traffic cop gone mad.  I'm not saying we do or don't need a spotter, just pointing out the option exists to deal with large crowds/big auctions.


I've been to an auction where there was a lot of small items on a lot of tables, the auctioneer at this auction went from table to table instead of having the tables brought to him. Picking bags of fish up, putting them on another table and then when auctioning off, picking them up again, must put a lot of stress on the fish.
Basically, all you would really need is a couple of lapel mikes and you could walk anywhere in the room.
Just an idea! :)
Like PFG says "I miss this place and all the people associated with it."


Thought I'd add something even though I wasn't there at the auction :'(. This event seems so big and of interest to so many people not only fresh but salt,and pond that I wonder if moving it to a two day affair and adding speakers, workshops etc. might be something to consider? OVAS Conference :D. Here I am suggesting more work and didn't even attend :-[.Just seems to me that this event is busting at the seams. As far as the auction portion do a silent auction run over the entire day or half the day to be gentler on the fish? Live product on one day and equipment on another. Or run it like a farm auction with all the items laid out and the auctioneer goes to the item. Depending on the size of the room have 2-3 spotters. As far as the food goes, have it catered, that frees up our members to participate. I'm sure there's womens groups(ie,Womens Institute) , church groups,that would love to make a little,$.
Keep us honest and true as the horses we ride.


whoa you mean I have to wait an entire year for another auction  :'(
why not restrict nothing and have a little auction every month   :)


oh I see you have mini auctions every month. Disregard previous post  :-X
I thought this auction was well done. Concerning fish welfare I agree with the fish on day two idea.


Over all the auction was great and run well.
However I feel that it should be divided into 2 parts .
Fish and plants should go first and the equipment items be sold last.
There could be maybe a hour break in between for people to get their purchases (fish) home
before the equipment stuff is auctioned off
By doing it this  way there will be less stress in the fish. Also people do not have to hang around
if they are interested in buying only fish or plants.

James :)
55-g  Kribs. Busyi nose pleco, abino
25 gal yellow lab , Brichardi,
55-g white top Afra, Synodontus Alberti,
33- gal PS Demansoni
30-g Dim..Compressiceps , 55 gal  red swords, 
.30-g  P.S Flavus


There seems to be some support for 2 auctions a year.  I can understand if the executive are reluctant to take on such a huge task twice a year.  What if for a second auction in the summer we do an online auction?  Not so much like eBay since everyone waits for the last second to bid but maybe a silent auction.  This would eliminate the stress on the fish, cut the cost to the club, and the only person to do any work setting it up would be the APW (sorry Chris  :D).

<< insert more compliments to the executive for a great auction this year >>

One thing about the food at the auction.  I bought 3 cookies for $1.  Great deal, absolutely fantastic (Roxy must have had something to do with them).  If they were 2 for $1, I still would think it was a great deal.


QuoteOne thing about the food at the auction.  I bought 3 cookies for $1.  Great deal, absolutely fantastic (Roxy must have had something to do with them).  If they were 2 for $1, I still would think it was a great deal.

Sort  I baked...she sold :) 

If it counts...she inspired me to bake :P


Kudos to gonna_b for some great cookies.