Meeting location for the 2024/2025 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

An idea?

Started by PuddleDuck, March 03, 2007, 11:37:12 AM

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Hey there,
  I just through of something. I've been on other sites that take donations through paypal, and in return you get a little picture under your name (maybe a fish or something!). You can buy as many as you like and the pictures correspond to how much you donated at that time (5$, 10$, 15$...).

I love OVAS, but not being a resident of Ottawa I'm not a member (and not liking group activities I haven't been a paying member in a long time). Obviously I'm here a lot though, and think I should be contributing something every now and then in support of the group.

With the number of site users that are not paying members, something like this would give online-only (and members if they choose) users an option to financially contribute to the group and show off their contribution with a fun little something-or-other under their name. People on other boards seem to really enjoy collecting them!

No idea how that would be carried out technically speaking-but thought it would be a good fundraiser  :)


Get yourself a little fish for $20 like

<------------ That one below my name 8)


Duuuuude.... 8)

So is this already in place? Or do you just get a fish for being a member? Thats a tiny fish...I was thinking of something more visible  ;) Anyway, I'm thinking for non-members.


You get a fish and "OVAS Member" under your name when you become a member. 

Interesting idea.  I've received interest from others in the past (actually, some who were ALREADY members) who asked about further contributions.  I'll bring this up at the next exec meeting.


If you want to support OVAS, why not just buy a membership?  That way you get a fish under your name, and the money goes toward supporting the website and the club.  Seems simple.  Why add anything else?  We have members from other cities, and sponsors like Aquinouriplus, AquariumShop and Fishtail which are active online businesses, give a member discount to OVAS members no matter where you live, so it's not as if you can't benefit from membership.  It's great if folks want to donate additional money to the club, just like it's wonderful all the people who donate their knowledge, skills and time to the club. Those who do workshops, chat events, speak at meetings, volunteer at the giant auction, do we give them special fish under their name?  How about a heartfelt thanks instead.


Thats a good point, but I think if there was a "cheaper" option there would be more people interested in supporting- if Im broke I'm unlikely to spent 15$ to support the use of a website, but I might throw in 5$. It also gives current members a way to contribute further- if you've already bought a membership and want to do more its very easy to buy a little icon.

Also, I've noticed on a few of the bigger boards (not here specifically) that people get very involved in their screen names (big signatures, screen names in fancy fonts/colours) and like the idea of adding to it. Im guessing people feel more connected to the group and represent this with adding things like this...(just thinking out loud). Buying these little icons shows others that you support the group, either in addition to a membership or if youre unwilling to buy the membership that youre not a total OVAS mooch.  :)


Interesting idea. I just wanted to add that people can also buy ovas t-shirts to support the club. Although we make virtually no money on them, they do give us some PR.


Many boards like this use a similar system.  One I use be on had bronze, silve, gold and platinum.  The higher you donated the more things you got like more PM space, bigger signature, etc.