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Angel spawned too (2)

Started by groan, March 23, 2007, 11:36:55 AM

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OK, Benergiser ( affecionately known as Bennifer on the chat room) has angel eggs that have not been eaten after 6 days now and can see that some are fertilized (wiggling)

the babies willb e lunch for sure if they hatch but he wants to know can the eggs be moved at this point to a basket in the tank or do the parents need to be present with them? how can he move them if the surface is not moveable?


Gee. thanks man..

Yeah, it's the first time my angels haven't eaten the eggs withing the first day.. I'm wondering how long before the eggs should hatch and how to prevent them from being eaten as I also have tetras in the tank..  If I put them in a basket, does the parents need to be with em?


Silly Benergizer, putting the babies in a basket is silly, they need water, not a picnic. ;)

What sort of tetras do you have, how many, and what sort of cover is there for the fry? If you are in a panic to protect them along with the parents, throw in a ton of hornwort where they are to prevent the tetras from swooping in during raids, it should help. Barring that, you could also put in a huge pile of java moss too.

Have fun, they should start to be free swimming today or tomorrow.


I mostly have rummy nose tetras in there about 8 or 10 of them.. should it be better to divide them seperatly or take a chance of leaving them all together..


Rummy nose are evil, pretty, but concentrated evil, they run in packs and do swarmings from all directions that the angelfish are helpless against. Rummy nose tetras are very fast, torpedoes out the launch tubes you might say, and they love fresh babies, baby back ribs and the whole shebang.

Try hiding the babies by providing dense cover, or lose the rummy nose, they go good on a sandwich if you have enough of them, or, just let nature take its course, as the rummy nose's give the angel parents lots of practice at guarding their babies.

Leave a low light on in the room so the angels can protect the babies overnight too, rummy's never sleep when there are babies about to eat.



We'll they're out of the eggs and the parents moved them from the piece of drift wood to a leaf on one of the plants.  Some have started to swim around, but the parents catch them and bring em back to the leaf..  So far so good..


WOOHOO!!! Bennifer is a mommy!