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? about MTS

Started by PoisonJello, March 13, 2007, 09:00:54 PM

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Are MTS (Malaysian Trumpet Snails) ok in with african cichlids or will they get eaten..need something for algee because the pleco just doesn't do the job (Pleco cleans the glass but nothiing else).

I was going to get some BN plecos but not sure they would live, I'm not sure if my pleco that is in there will survive, the africans haven't caught him yet but they really chase him around (pleco is about 4.5", biggest african is about 3.5") they only leave him alone when he is hiding...oh one pleco was eaten already to the bones

I think I remember some of you have MTS with your cichlids but just figured I would ask  :)


Forgive me for possibly being rude I don't mean to be....

If you don't think your current pleco will survive and the other one was eaten by them - why even risk putting your other one through it and find a good home for it?  It can't be a fun death - I can't believe how vicious cichlids can be.  This is what really turns me off of them.

Someone just posted on MTS having an extremely hard shell so maybe it would be a perfect fit for your tank.  I believe they also noted that they are live bearers so none of the ugly gel blobs of eggs that the other snails leave behind.


mine LOVE to snack on them...I keep a rubbermaid bucket under the tank and it is my snail breeder lol otherwise I would be totally out of snails!!!

but one or two here and there tend to escape :) they do have hard shells but my africans suck them out and I find a lot of empty shells come morning. 

your pleco might be too small or you might not have enough hiding places. plecos like something they can squish themselves into without anyone else getting in. do you have lots of tubes or small caves?
55 Gallon: Zamora Woodcats, Gold Gourami, Severum, Convicts
Misc tanks: Glo Light Tetras, Harlequin Tetras, Danios, Platies, Guppies, Otto cats
Breeding: Platies, Guppies, Convicts


Malaysian trumpet snails don't eat algae. It would sound as though there needs to be more in the way of hiding places, as BN's who do eat algae, are usually fine even with a lot of african cichlids. Hiding places are very important though, what sort of africans do you have, they might just be plain nasty.


fish list is the 65g in my signature and yes some of them i guess can be nasty  ;)

as for removing the pleco that is left he is fast and there is plenty of hiding spots, besides they haven't caught him yet..not to mention he is larger then the cichlids and they grow fast..was told by many that they do fine with cichlids  ;D not all cichlids i guess

If you have some other suggestions for algae removal that like mean cichlids i'm all ears  ;)

KLKelly don't worry about being rude its not going to hurt my feelings but if you want more to the story look up my post called "mean cichlids"

anyways thank for any info bad or to learn some how

actually i know everything there is to know but i have a short memory so sometimes i need people to remind me  8)