Meeting location for the 2024/2025 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

A public thank you to Boston and partner, Mila and Babblefish

Started by oenology, March 18, 2007, 09:30:56 PM

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I just wanted to extend a public thank you to a very hard and courageous crew of ovas members (Boston and and partner, Mila and later Babblefish) who helped me with my big consolidation/rearrangement project. In one day we did the following:
Emptied a 65g and put it in a car so it can be driven to its new owner.
Caught all the fish, removed all the plants, washed all the gravel in the 55g planted community tank. Moved that tank into a car so it could be driven to its new home.
Caught all the Malawis living in the 75g, washed all the gravel, emptied all the water, moved it to the other side of the house, filled it with new gravel and plants (and water  ::))and put all the community fish in it.
Caught the adult sevrums and large Jack Dempsy and feather fin syno and put them into the 150g that had taken the place of the 55g. Continued to empty all the water and ugly red, blue and white gravel that was in the 130g before moving it where all the 65g tanks used to be. Then finally the poor malawis could leave there bucket and spread their fins in their new home. It took along time to do all this: heaters, filters, aquascaping, lights, waiting for the hot water tank to refill... What  a day! Oh yeah, there was also the 40g that got set up to house the male BN and the large piece of driftwood his female had laid her eggs on. I don't think he took well to the move and has so far abandoned his fatherly duties. Hopefully he will go back to fanning his eggs. There was also the 30g fry tank that was under the 55g that had to be emptied enough to move it to its new home under the 75g. And then there was the hospital tank that had to be set up because dummy here put the male peacock in the same pail as his 2 females whom he proceeded to brutally beat up. I'll be surprised if they survive :'(. But the happy news is that so far my Ps williamsi 'North' female is still holding through all this. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.  Everybody ate in their new digs so so far so good! I now have only 11 tanks :D 1x150g (but only filled to about 100g), 1x140g, 2x130g, 1x75g, 1x40g, 1x30g, 1x23g, 2x15g, 1x5g. Not bad when not so long ago I had 24... and most of the small ones are just temporary - really!


Aww only 11 tanks left eh:( lol Congrats on the succesful move-around! I am surpirsed you got all of that done in a single day! I can never decide what aquascaping I like best, took me a day to get my temporary 15g setup!


It is quite the transformation for sure, quite honestly, I'm almost positive you could sneak some more 6 foot tanks in there before the DH even really noticed. ;)

I have to admit that as good as the new arrangement looks with the nice colonies you have graced within them, the room looks rather barren, it feels somewhat empty, even...shall we say, not quite done, yes, that's what it is, not quite done, I see the need for just one more itty bitty little tank, say about 4 or 5 hundred gallons, yes that's definitely the one that is missing, I'm sure you're seeing it now aren't you. Let me know if you would like some help sneaking it in unnoticed. ;D


Wow quite a move I am glad to hear that there are people in this comunity that are willing to help other's...especialy with a project like this is alot of work...good on all of you who helped!!! ;D

90 gallon/ 90 gallon sump all male show tank, 75g Accie, 75g masoni reef alonacara, yellow lab and trio of flame backs, 75 gal tawain reef, 75 gal bi500, red shoulder, blue regal,
40 gal breeder  F1 electric blue frierei, 25 gal sunshine peacock males awaiting females, 20 gallon trio albino pleco, 65gal neolamprongus Brachardi pulcher 2 30g fry grow out, 20g hatchery with 4 batches of eggs currently
Starting on a fish wall for breeding more coming soon!


Dear, dear oneology . . .

       I have to assume that this is your full-time business . . . fish.  It must take you a whole day just to change water, feed, check on everyone and prune plants!  :D  Is there some trick you have??  Because if so, don't tell me or I may no longer have any excuse (at least in my own mind :-\) not to get more tanks!  :o
       Hats off to you!! and your team of helpers  :)



It's very simple to distract the DH. Just give him the TV remote with fresh batteries and a bag of chips, and point him in the right direction


Yes it now ECHOES in here! and I feel all exposed! Definately room for at least one 6 footer! Especially since I managed to "sneak" the planted tank into the living room by the other (non-aquatic type) plants. It's true that it's easy enough to distract him with electonics and such but the problem arises when I leave for 3 months in the fall...

I've gotten pretty good with the water changes - but if I do them all on the same day my water heater doesn't keep up so I have to split up the changes. Hopefully with the renos the electrician will actually do the calculations to see if we can have a tankless hot water system and then I'll be laughing!


Gotta keep at least 1 or 2 little tanks for those tads!!!!!  :D


Quote from: gonna_b_no_1 on March 19, 2007, 10:15:25 AM
Gotta keep at least 1 or 2 little tanks for those tads!!!!!  :D
That's what is in the 5g! A lot of the eggs didn't hatch but I think I have about 15 or so. I'll do a water change tomorrow and get a better count.