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Montreal Giant Auction Poll

Started by PaleoFishGirl, April 30, 2007, 02:18:25 PM

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I was just curious as to why no one from Ottawa/Gatineau attended the SAM this weekend?!

The SAM goes out of their way to make our club feel welcome, even so far as explaining all the rules and announcing each lot number in English at an event that is otherwise completely en français.  I hope that this fall, we will be able to send a larger contingent to support another fish club!

Looking forward to your excuses  ;D


I don't really have any excuses besides I didn't really feel like it.... I also had a hockey game, although I could've cancelled the game and get a replacement player, somehow I think that hockey was the better alternative for me as I didn't feel like sitting through an entire day of presentations and/or auction... on top of the 2 hour ride both ways.  I will more than likely go to the next OVAS Giant Auction but I don't think I'll ever go the the Montreal one..


If I didn't have previous plans this weekend I would have saved my plants and sold them in Montreal.   (in hindsight my lesson was cancelled due to weather, but I didn't find this out until around 11am when I was almost back in Ottawa, so I wasn't about to turn around and drive back to Montreal)   

It's a shame more people didn't come to the Auction...  It's always been a great day, with great folks and lots of cool things,  and I look forward to attending.   Hey, maybe I'll fly there and back :D  think OVAS would pay for my gas? hehe


I assume that the OVAS turnout to the April SAM auction will always be low for the simple fact that our giant auction was only a couple months ago.  I definately plan on going for the next one (sept/oct??).

PS - I was sick yesterday, the weather was terrible, and I couldn't possibly fit anything more into my place.   ;)


No money, no time and no space left!!
That's very nice though that the SAM folks accomodate unilingual anglos with the rules and lot # in english. 
700 gal pond - Rosy reds


Playoffs are definately not a good time to be organizing an auction!

I didn't go for lack of someone to look after the rugrats for BigMomma & I.  As well, if I'm going to a SAM auction, I want to be able to bring major $$$, which I didn't have this weekend.


 I would have love to have gone and I have been looking for months about time and dates of the auction in montreal and really had no information coming from the montreal club.
I have been going to their web site since Jan to see what was going on and all they had was info on the fall auction.
I am in montreal at least 2-3 x a month and if I had had proper notifcation I would have been happy to be there ... but unlike the ovas site I find the mtl site un kept and with out proper info.
And yes I do speak french .


I wanted to go but I was forced to work  the last 8 days in a row at work. Sunday was a come into work or you could get fired warning.


My main reason for not going was simply NO room for anything at all. I will be taking the juvies out of my 110 soon and putting them into another tank so that IF something comes along in a cichlid I will at least have a little room for some fish... 
80 corner diamond
110 short
40 cube


Main reason is I work Saturday and Monday and it's just too tiring a day to sandwich in between two tough work days.


Simple enough, I was busy settling into a new house!!!  ;D ;)  Maybe next time.


No room so I didn't want to be tempted. No extra money so why torture myself with temptation :D


Quote from: BigDaddy on April 30, 2007, 04:10:06 PM
Playoffs are definately not a good time to be organizing an auction!

I didn't go for lack of someone to look after the rugrats for BigMomma & I.  As well, if I'm going to a SAM auction, I want to be able to bring major $$$, which I didn't have this weekend.

Well put, plus too little notice... I found out 2 days b4, i couldn't re-arrange work. Maybe next time, if we all have something like a months notice, more of us would go... I would even offer to carpool :D


There were multiple threads up well in advance, including a carpool thread...


Quote from: PaleoFishGirl on May 02, 2007, 02:10:30 PM
There were multiple threads up well in advance, including a carpool thread...

Exactly what I was about to say.  It seems to me that there had been a thread, or two, or three put up some weeks ago.  I would even go as far as saying 2-3 weeks or more


Well.. I think by and large it is pretty clear it was mostly a timing thing for most people who did not attend.


I assumed it would be much like the OVAS auction and would be 99% freshwater stuff. Do they have much SW stuff? Maybe I'll go in the fall if they do, but if it's the same small SW selection as the auction here then it's not worth the time and effort to go so far only to save a couple $$$.


You make a reasonable point Shrimpy, however, sometimes these events are more about genetic diversity as much as prices, with livestock and plants at least, and the camaraderie between us and our sister club in Montreal, it is just good fun to commiserate with Montreal fishnuts a few times a year.


I did not go because of the weather in the morning, no car pool allowance and the rule changes that you had to buy back your own stuff if it did not sell for the min.
They make over $ 100 comm from me each time I go. Their loss.

James :)
55-g  Kribs. Busyi nose pleco, abino
25 gal yellow lab , Brichardi,
55-g white top Afra, Synodontus Alberti,
33- gal PS Demansoni
30-g Dim..Compressiceps , 55 gal  red swords, 
.30-g  P.S Flavus