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Quebec City Aquarium

Started by babblefish1960, May 06, 2007, 03:40:23 AM

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Has anyone been to this Aquarium recently? I have heard good things lately, but was wondering on the notion of a group visit to see for ourselves.

Anyone have thoughts on this idea?


We stopped there last summer for a visit.  See this post.
1 fish, 2 fish, <°{{{><  , <°{{{><  


Very nice garnpet, would you be willing to say what you thought of the place as a destination?


I'ld love to go to the acquarium in Quebec city. Last time I went there I was 5 years old and only somewhat remember going there. :)


Ordinarily I wouldn't inquire simply on the merit of my being a gentleman, customarily I wouldn't even pose the query in my mind for being most respectful of a lady's prerogative, additionally, I wouldn't even ever consider the depth and breadth of the implications by the facts presented, nay volunteered by your own person, however, becoming an old curmudgeon of irascible proportions, I feel it incumbent upon me to obstreperously deign to presume that you, as lovely as you are I'm sure washefuzzy, were either aware of the citadel when it was current construction, or just how long ago was 5 years old to you?

What precisely do you recall of the trip to the aquarium?

Nice photographs garnpet, would you consider the aquarium interesting enough to make the return trip for the sake of an outing?


LOL! I pretty sure the Citadel was built a few years before I was born ( Touche, 1 for you Babble) That was 41 years ago I saw the Acquarium in Quecbec city and all I remember is seeing a very large fishy type creature swimming on the otherside of a big window. I'll have to admit I don't remeber much from back than and these days I seem to remember less from one moment to the next!


The aquarium was pretty nice.  Most of the fish exhibit dealt with fish native to North America, so not many colourful marine species in the place.  The large walk through tank was nice and would have been worth a longer look except for the large hordes of people in it.

The emphasis, in my opinion, was more on the outdoor activities: seals, polar bears.  It was a fun place for the kids.

Would I drive Ottawa to Québec just to visit the aquarium, probably not.  Was it worth the stop overnight on the way home from Fredericton, yes.
1 fish, 2 fish, <°{{{><  , <°{{{><  


I visited the QC aquarium in Feb and I have to agree with garnpet. I would have loved to see lots of exotic marine fish instead of pike and bass and cod...

I don't think an exclusive trip to visit that place would be satisfying. Throw in Carnival and the Ice Hotel and you have yourself a nice little outing. Thats just my $0.02
Steve Everum

"We like people for their qualities, but love them for their defects."

120 gallon reef