Meeting location for the 2024/2025 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

Question about pruning Echinodorus 'Rose'

Started by Tim, December 08, 2004, 10:47:48 AM

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I have a very large Echinodorus 'Rose'. I am getting new leaves at the rate of about 2 per week. What is the best method of pruning this plant? I am assuming a remove the lowest leaves but do I just cut them as close to the bottom as possible?



prune the outside leaves.  try to hold the plant down with one hand and pust the leaf away from the rizome and down towards the subsrtate and then pull straigh away from the rizome.
 At least this is what I do and it works without a hitch as long as the Echinodorus has been planted for about 2 months or more and has had time to anchor it's roots well.  Sooner and it will move and possibly come up from the substrate.  I find these difficult plants to plant if they are large.


I take my pruning shears and cut as close to the crown as possible.  The bushynose plecos deal with the rest.