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Aquarium Stock Additions

Started by gc, July 17, 2007, 09:16:52 PM

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OK, I have a 33gal tank with a large piece of driftwood, a large rock, and three live plants. In the tank I had an angel, three bolivian rams, a bushynose pleco, and ten copper rasboras (very similar to harlequins but they have a nice sheen to them and were alot cheaper).

About a week ago I did a water change and I forgot to put in the chlorine meds in and the entire school of rasboras was wiped out.

Now I need new fish but I don't think I want another school. They were pretty neat when they were in the tank alone but once the angel went in they mostly hid. Also options for a school are severely limited as the angel will eat anything torpedo like.

What I think I would like is at least two better sized more active fish with more  character then the sheep-in-a-herd mentality of a school.

What I need is some suggestions for new fish that would be able to withstand a slightly acidic water (around 6.7), not eat live plants, and be able to "chill" with the angel, three bolivians, and the pleco. Please give any suggestions you can think of, any kind of species, I just need few ideas to starting running the names through and google to get me started. Obviously I don't want the tank too full but I don't think its too full. I am aware that the angel will grow bigger.

Right now I'm thinking of:
- african butterfly fish
- a small school of hatchet fish (only school I'm considering)
- maybe some banded gouramis (this is a last resort because I had to go through a massive struggle which endured over a year to get some ordered at SP the last time I stocked my tank)

Thanks alot for the help ahead of time.


I would go with some sort of Gourami.  Peaarl Gouramis are very striking, especially the males.


I've done a bit of looking now and I'm thinking of a pair of blue acaras. I'm getting conflicting reports about the temperament of these fish. Some sites say they're very peaceful, others say they will bully smaller fish. Since I have the three Bolivians I'm worried about their safety. How would they do in my tank, which has live plants?


I'd say blue acaras are pretty agressive, and would boss the 33 gal.


I would let the angels be the feature fish and perhaps go with an active foraging ground dweller like a group of corries. There are some corries that get a modest size and their activity will really help to bring your tank to life.

I have a small school of hatchets in my 55 and they are bit blah. Just a filler fish really.