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My plants are deteriorating

Started by motoman, December 08, 2004, 10:40:03 PM

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I've started to use Co2 to help my plants grow but some of them seem to be in bad shape. A few of the leaves are starting to wither and fall apart. Not sure if it's a fertilizer problem or what. My water parameters are below. Also I had stopped using ferts (Tetra Plant, FloraPride 0-0-3) about three weeks ago since I had a major hair algea issue. I also did a bleach dip then to. The plants seemed fine for about two weeks and then started to go downhill.

PH: 7.4, GH: 160ppm, KH: 110ppm, Substrate is flourite and pool sand. Light: 3.25 wpg on for 10 hrs a day.

Pics of plants below. Oh I have no clue what kind of plants these are. Some of the ee's at Big Al's aren't that knowledgable.



Whoa, looks like a couple of things. First and foremost, the bleach dip!!

There might be deficiencies in the water now that you're dosing the CO2, and the plants are needing trace minerals.

Here's a good article on troubleshooting Nutrient Deficiencies:  The rest of that website is an awesome resource, as well.


If your pH is 7.4 and your kH is 110ppm, then your CO2 levels are levels are at 8ppm.  That means however you are injecting your CO2 is not working.

How are you injecting the CO2 into the tank?  Is there any surface disruption (bio wheels, airstones, etc...)

You need to get your fert schedule going again.  With high light, not dosing ferts is NOT an option.  You can not dose trace elements for a little while until the plants take root, but you MUST get your CO2 at 25ppm and your nitrate and phosphate levels in check.



Plant 1/2 looks like Brazilian Pennywort

Plant 3 looks like it is either a melon sword... or possibly a ruffled sword.

Put a root tab underneath the sword.  That should help, plus it should not contribute to the algae since it is not exposed to the water column (algae doesn't have roots   :lol:  )


Thanks for the replies folks. I'm currently injecting the CO2 via the intake of my aquaclear. I've found an article that explained how to make a really good difusser so I'm going to try it out tomorrow. I'll also pick up some root tabs.


Hi motoman,

Can you give a link?


Here's the link

Look at the CO2 Mesh ball post and it has instructions on how to build a neat diffuser.

I'm going to try one out this week or tonight. I just need to find a glue gun and I'll be all set.