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New Angelfish acting listless

Started by MikeM, June 30, 2007, 12:18:25 AM

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Hi everyone.  I'm new to the hobby, and just finished a fish-less cycle on my 75 G.  I stocked today with six angelfish, five oto cats, five glowlight danios, and three clown loaches.  The otos, danios, and loaches seem to have made themselves at home right away.  The otos happily slurping the small amounts of algae that had formed on the plants and the tank walls, the danios were shoaling nicely in the middle of the tank, and the loaches were feasting on the ample population of pond snails.  The angels however, bunched together down by the intake for my canister filter and haven't really moved from there much.  Occasionally one or two will wander to the other end of the tank but they never seem to go more than about half way to the surface, and are mostly keeping very close to the bottom, dragging their fins in the gravel (2 - 3 mm, smooth, so I'm not too worried about their fins).  In all my reading when I was considering angelfish, they mostly seem to be described as a mid-upper tank dweller, so I'm concerned there's something making them uncomfortable.

They aren't gasping for air or displaying any other signs of oxygen deprivation, but I turned on an air stone just to be sure.  One of them did venture out to play in the bubbles for a bit, but otherwise they remained hunkered down by the intake.  I turned the filter flow down a little bit to make sure they weren't getting stuck over there by the flow, as one of them did seem to get stuck to the intake when I first introduced them.  I acclimated all the fish the same way, by floating them in the tank for about 15 minutes, adding a small cupful of tank water every few minutes.  When I last took my readings a couple of hours ago, ammonia = 0, nitrite = 0, nitrate = 5, pH = 7.6, KH/GH = 6.  I had done a 80 - 90 % water change yesterday afternoon with the python, and added in dechloraminator as I filled.  The tank had been fully cycled with around 3 ppm/day of ammonia, which took about a month or so, and was sustaining an ever-growing population of pond snails.  I definitely did everything by the book  ;)  except for the plant bleach dip, which I guess I wasn't aggressive enough with.

Has all my reading and pent-up impatience from a month of fishless cycling made me paranoid?  Are the clown loaches too boisterous for the angels and that's making them uncomfortable?  Do all the cool adolescent angels hang out at the filter intake?  Have I rambled long enough?

Thanks for any suggestions you might have.  The experiences everyone has shared on the forum have definitely made the tank setup experience a lot easier.


I suspect it is just a bit of transplant shock.  Give them a week to get used to their new surroundings, and all should be well.


Yes I would agree with big daddy also the danios and loaches may be spooking them a bit from all the action, yes they should probably get more confident in a few days to a week.