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What to do with 30 gallon tank?

Started by Zoe, July 04, 2007, 02:43:24 PM

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Currently housing a half dozen badis badis, and a half dozen oto cats. And one BN pleco.
I need some ideas :)


I take it the badis badis and the catfish will be finding new homes?  Or are you looking for additions?


Oh, yup, new additions :) The badis are my babies, so nothing that will intimidate them... otos are fine, too hard to catch anyway  ;D


Some interesting fancy plecos?  schooling fish?


Well, I'm getting a white seam BN... I thought about getting some inspectors, but $$$!

What kind of schooling fish?


I added about 20 or so rummy noses to my 110g and I ended up loving them.  They remain in a tight school and are fun to watch.


Meh... I have some in my 90g.
I'm not a big fan of schoolish fish, actually. They're so dumb! I like fish with individual personnalities  ;D


Quote from: Zoe on July 04, 2007, 03:05:54 PM
Meh... I have some in my 90g.
I'm not a big fan of schoolish fish, actually. They're so dumb! I like fish with individual personnalities  ;D

Problem with personalities is they sometimes clash...if I recall badis remain pretty small so it would have to be something that does no gulp them down fast.  Loach of some kind? 


I never see my loaches... I like the pleco idea.  What is a small pleco?  How big do inspectors get, anyway? I can't get a straight answer off the net.
However even with the badis, that leaves a biiiiig open space in the mid / upper part of my tank.


What about some chorae danios?  They should hang out at the middle/top and are subtle and purty, and I believe stay smaller than many other danios.
I think everyone should have a snail.  A nice pretty brig will cruise around everywhere and they're surprisingly entertaining.  Really they are - I'm not just trying to bring you over to the dark side.  My brigs that I got from Roxy were the hit of my tank.  Whenever my non-fishy friends were over (which realistically is all of my friends), they loved the snails.
700 gal pond - Rosy reds


I have a couple of Badis in my tank.  Where did you get yours?

As for tankmates, take a look at my signature. :)  Everybody seems to get along well.  One of the Kribnsis shares the wood cave with the pleco and occasionally one of the badis gets too close, but there's nothing more than a chase.  They're tough little flares up to one of the larger fish all the time!

Here's a pic:

[attachment deleted by admin]


Sounds like a really nice tank!  I've got to get away from bottom dwellers, though, and most of the fish I like hanging around the gravel :(

I got my badis from zapisto and BA Innes! You?


Well if you want something for right at the top there are hatchet fish....


Ok this is my plan:
10 badis
6 otos
1 whiteseam BN pleco
1 inspector pleco (???)
4 female bettas
cherry shrimp

Wacha think?


That's where I got mine too.  I was in the other day and wondered what happened to the rest of the little badis!  I've had mine for a couple months now.  I've been trying to get them to eat lots of different foods, but they seem to be picky and only eat bloodworms.

That sounds like a nice combination.  I'm wondering about adding more schoolers just to have something to watch from a distance.  Except for the harlequins, I usually have to stand next to my tank and look for the fish!  Sometimes I think I have too many plants, but then again, I love plants and my fish are all happy!!


Well, I just don't really like schoolers. I think they're pointless... they don't seem aware of anything around them... but the badis sure are!
Mine eat anything, mainly because I forced them too.  I feed frozen food every few days, but if they want to eat daily, they need to eat the pellets and flakes I feed. And they do. :P


The cherries might end up as food but meh they should breed easy enough lol. 


Well, I guess I have been spoiling my Badis.  I feed bloodworms every night and flakes every morning.  I'm pretty sure they hold out for the evening feeding.