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Listing Tiger Loach

Started by RossW, July 25, 2007, 11:03:46 PM

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I have a Tiger Loach who seems to be almost dead at times.  Sometimes he is swimming fine, other times he is sideways and motionless on the bottom of the tank.  I have almost scooped him a few times but then he moves again.

Is this normal for a tiger loach?


I have 6 clown loaches they all seem to act that exact same way from time to time. I haven't lost any and I have had them for quite a while now so I have accepted that they are sometimes lazy like us. but I will keep an eye on this thread just in case.


I know that clowns sleep on their sides and I've seen at least one other sp do it too.  Check for more info, and remember, they like company.
700 gal pond - Rosy reds


At the risk of sounding facetious, your tiger loach could be quite bored, they are a very social fish with their own kind and one is the loneliest number. :)


Indeed loaches love to be at the very minimum 3 but 5 or more are better.  And as mentioned most bottine body loches like to sleep and rest on their sides.


Quote from: dan2x38 on July 25, 2007, 11:37:21 PM
How many loaches do you have in that tank?

I only have one, I feel like such a bad fish keeper!

I will either have to buy a couple or find him a new home...


If you are referring to Botia hymenophysa as your tiger loach, you do not need to find it company, they are an aggressive, territorial botia, one of the few that do best on its own.
Botia's sleep and rest and sometimes fall over on their side, there is nothing wrong with this and it is actually a good sign. That fish feels comfortable within the confines of your aquarium enough to kick back and relax.



Quote from: Woody on July 26, 2007, 07:20:31 AM
If you are referring to Botia hymenophysa as your tiger loach, you do not need to find it company, they are an aggressive, territorial botia, one of the few that do best on its own.
Botia's sleep and rest and sometimes fall over on their side, there is nothing wrong with this and it is actually a good sign. That fish feels comfortable within the confines of your aquarium enough to kick back and relax.


I disagree, they should in fact be kept in large groups and need a large tank as they can reach over 7 inches easy.  They are not suiable for the normal community aquarium and should only be kept with fast swimming fish or those that are robust enough to stand up the them.


If you have a 200 gallon aquarium and can dedicate it to the exclusive use of these types of botias, then go ahead and have a large group so that the aggression is spread out evenly, and certain individuals are not picked on. Then and only then it is good to have a large group. For the average person, one is the best number in the aquarium. As it was stated give it away or find a couple of more, don't find a couple of more, large group or no group, there is no inbetween.
If you have personal experience that you would like to share on this particular species, please share it. is a fantastic site full of very useful information.
My personal experience with this species, even with 8 fish, each 6 to 7 inches long, with a mass of driftwood and cave made from clay pots in a 120 gallon long, I could not keep the aggression down to a level that I felt comfortable. They would have killed each other if I did not interfer.




Quote from: RossW on July 26, 2007, 02:08:38 PM
I believe it is this fish which I have, Striata Botia Loach.

LOL zebra loach, totally different.  Small loach about 4 inches and much better to have in groups of at least 5 individuals.  And yes is is probably just relaxing on his side.  What size tank?  I would get a few more if possible to keep him happy.


Tiger... Zebra... doh!

It is a 25g tank which could hold a few more fish.


They do much better in a group, and the ones I have really interact with each other, an interesting scene to watch as they always seem so busy. So full of character and they will interact with other botias that are not aggressive.



Thanx to everyone for their help and correcting me on what I own ;)  We feel much better knowing he is OK and not dieing.  He is a lovable guy.

I have just posted a new thread looking for 2-4 friends for him.