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Quiet HOB Filters?

Started by Funkmotor, August 22, 2007, 11:40:14 PM

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I just got "the kids" a 10G, and the kit (had to be the kit  :D :D) came with an Aquaclear 20 HOB.

Being used to canisters on larger tanks, this little thing is loud.  >:(  I can get it to run quietly for a couple minutes after startup, but after that it gets pretty loud.  And it's too loud for where the tank is.  I've checked the thing out and it seems to be just stuck bits of plastic in there or anything bent, etc.

Any suggestions on what I should replace it with that would be a similar size, not too expensive...and quiet?  Or will it eventually break itself in and quiet down?

I would think the Eheim Liberty might be quiet (as it's an Eheim), but I've never had one.  The marineland ones are supposed to be good as well from what I read, but I'm in the same boat there.  I've considered a small internal filter, but a HOB doesn't use tank space...and I like that for the small tank.

Now to figure out what can live in the silly little "Pirate" kit my son insisted he wanted.  :P
My fault, I suppose, as I told them both they could pick the one they wanted.  Maybe a Betta or a few White Clouds would go okay...or maybe some ghost shrimp.  ???

Pink Punisher

What ive found for my 3 AquaClear filters is if you fill your tank so the water from the filter is just barely above the water it is quiter, most likely because its not as long of a drop to the water. For decorations personaly i would try and set it up with a bunch of Amazon Swords or other live plants that look like seaweed and do them all across the back and then put a sunken ship in the middle of the tank to stick with the pirate theme if you want, for fish i would maybe get a nice school of Cardinal Tetra's is you do the pirate theme, i think a nice school of cardinals swimming around in there would look good or if you want another good type of schooling fish ive heard Rummy Nose Tetra's are good, i personaly dont care much for the way they look but to each his own right? ;)

Good Luck, and be sure to ask your little guys for there input seeing as it is there tank :D ;D :P



As far as quiet HOBs go, Aquaclears are amoung the quietest.  Other than changing the waterline, mechanical noise from the filter will die down a bit once everything gets a nice slime coat on it.


It's true.  My Aquaclears are usually totally silent.  If you're referring to the noise caused by the water exiting, as others have suggested just raise the waterline.


I put some unscented vaseline on the impellor of mine once - seemed to help.
700 gal pond - Rosy reds


I'm sorry, I should have qualified it a bit better.  It is the mechanical noise I'm on about.  The waterfall sound is actually quite pleasant...I don't think I'd be much for aquariums if I didn't like the sound of moving water!

Based on this, I suppose I'll just let it run in for a while and see if it improves.  :-\


Does it get quieter if you put your hand on the top of it?

I notice with mine, SOMETIMES the lid will get a little loose and the thing makes noise; but putting my hand on top puts it back in place and the noise stops...


Quote from: DarkDep on August 23, 2007, 09:14:24 AM
Does it get quieter if you put your hand on the top of it?

Yes, it does, but only insofar as my hand dampens the vibrations while it's there.  Taking the cover right off, it's a bit noisier from the internal noise but the vibration noise is still there.

I suppose it's not terribly loud, but to my ears it's too loud.  If that makes any sense.


If my aquaclear gets loud its either a little snail or some filter floss (i usually add some more into the left chamber) that got stuck in the impeller.  :) I also noticed more noise when there was still air in the suction tube. Try also to slide it left and right to adjust the speed, that may also help. At the end there is always the "take the whole thing apart and put it back together". Hope this helps, these filters are usually very quiet.
be aware of the green side
my fish suck
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A little piece of filter foam between the tank and the motor housing tab can help dampen the vibration.