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Started by Raygurl, July 23, 2007, 01:22:59 PM

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Can anyone give me any ideas to somehow attach a 4 foot double tube florecent strip ballast to the top of my 55?


What kind of cover do you have?  Wood cabinet kind of cover, or is this something you were hoping to put over a glass lid?


My display pick is the one i was hopeing to make work! or is it just easier to build a whole new cover? Something like a cap?


It could be possible to buy a double light fixture that's similar to the one you already have, but that could be very expensive.  Building a cap is a great idea.  If you do that you can buy a less expensive, not as pretty double light fixture. 


I'm a little confused...

Are you looking to retrofit your existing light fixture to hold two bulbs?  That's totally doable.


K so to try and re explain it lol! Its hard! I have a regular floresent fixture from hame depot and i need it to be on my tank lol and im not much of a handy women So any ideas are welcome!  I basically am on a tigt budget on this one so thats why im gunna try and make this work :) Has anyone built a cap before?


Yes, I've done many retrofits of this type.  What I've done in the past is gut the interior of the existing light fixture, attach new bulb clips and attach the new ballast to the back of the existing fixture; this way you end up with the exterior looking pretty much the same, while you end up with double the light.

You DO need a little electronics experience, but it's not rocket science.

I would offer to do it for you, but I'm leaving town in a few days and won't be back until Mid August. :(


And to make things a little clearer for those reading, what you call a "cap", most people refer to as a "hood" or "canopy"


thnx for the offer dark dep! Im going to try and build one i think! Im going to post a picture of the ballast! And ask what the best way to attach it is! lol :)


The ballast that comes with the fixture you bought usually has two round holes and one U shaped hole on each end of the fixture. You should use the U shaped centre location to fasten the ballast on both ends. I would suggest getting a couple of 12/24 nuts and bolts of a length that would get you through the material you are fastening to (I can't tell from the pic) and a couple of washers on both sides of the nut and bolt. Tighten them up a little better than tight. For the lamp sockets you can use 6/32 nuts and bolts for each with washers on the outside under the nuts. Make sure when you connect any power feeds that the cords are not plugged in and that if you need to actually tie in to existing power wires that you twist the wires then snip the tip of the group of wires before putting on the wire nut (marrette). This will ensure a good long term connection. Make sure the fixture is grounded if there is a ground wire in the group. A sheet metal screw to the metal reflector or under one of the ballast bolts with a sta-kon fork type wire connector will do it fine.


So i have tottally decided to scrap the old fixture now this is what i want to  make/ attach these two together loL! the desing on the plant site was good but can it hold double tube light fixture by the way just realized what diy stands for lol ;D! And last question what kind of wood wouldnt expand as much but still match oak!?

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I would go with 3/4" oak vaneer plywood and use 3/4 basic trim or oak edging tape to cover any exposed plywood edges. you could cut the 4 corners of the cover at 45* and fasten small corner blocks on the inside for extra strength. Keep moisture in mind when considering your hinges and stuff and since the lamp holders are not designed for moisture, you will need to keep an eye on them over time when you relamp and change them when they show signs of corrosion inside on the metal contact strips. Fixtures designed for aquariums often have moisture caps that go on the tubes. Make sure the lamps are turned so the pins are completely horizontal *-* so they don't come loose and fall down in the tank.


Do you think this is a dangerous opperation? ??? Like should i not do this is this a diy thing or not!? ahhh this is going to be harder than i thought?!


I am new to the fishy thing, but one thing I am is handy, I live in Stittsville PM me if you want me to see if I can help, and when I get my tank set-up I could use some help with the stocking and set-up.

Is that normal procedure here?


Rach! take the help!  lol  before you electrocute yourself.  ;)
Tanks: salty nano cube, working on a fresh 125

Life is too short to wake up with regrets.  So love the people who treat you right.  Forget about the one's who don't.  Believe everything happens for a reason.  If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands.  If it changes your life, let it.  Nobody said life would be easy, they just promised it would be worth it.


Im scared the last thing i built well is now in the garbage so ill probly take the help lol!  ::)just waiting for a good non crazy hecktic weekend lol! As for fire/ elstricuting mysel fyrebull works for the fire department lol! so he will be quick to resque me lol ;D


It can be tough if your not into diy. I would love to help but am busy as all get out right now starting my own set-up and stuff and with other commitments right now. I am a handyman guy also and a licensed electrician so I will help any way I can.