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DIY Filter

Started by Ellypho, August 03, 2007, 04:14:55 PM

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I woke up this morning and i had an idea for a filter. The whole thing would be in something like a Pepsi bottle (not the 2L but the 700ML I think) so the first thing will filter debris and other stuff that gets pumped up. I know that bubbles are impressively powerful at pushing things up with the water. I've seen this many times with my bubble wand. I know you can get bags of carbon. The sponge would be a dollar store sponge. Perhaps to keep everything in place I will put some filter insert. Now the question mark at the bottom is for my biological filter I don't know how to get good bacteria nor do I know how to promote them or what surface they prefer. Anybody have a suggestion?

All help is appreciated tanks

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I think you've just created a complicated version of a corner filter.


What's a corner filter?


I guess I'm dating myself. A corner filter is basically the same thing as you've illustrated only the air/water would come out the top. They are usually made for smaller tanks and are triangle shaped to fit in a corner hence the name.

I think that pulling the water with air through the filter would be more efficient than pushing the air/water through.


No at the top there's a hole with a sponge put into it to reduce the noisse of popping bubbles so the water is pushed out thru the bottom. Anyways what do you think of the concept? Can it be done? What would i do for biological filtration


Now That i've googled that i've got a better simpler idea.
But one thing How do i measure the gPH Of a corner filter?


I have no idea. Too many variables.


Hmm well Say if i used it for extra filtration that would be a good way to have a backup. I've got a nice hidden corner that could take it. I guess it is more for smaller aquariums since the bubbles aren't that powerfull


Wait What if i did this.
(Water falls into a measuring cup, tnanks to a slop or something)
|                |
|----|  |----|
_ _ _|  |_ _ _ ."."."."."."."."(water wich get's drawn into the box)
|      |  |      | <-Box 
|        |       |
This could be a good test since the water is pushed up into air so in water it should work even better since water is heavier then air but flow well in itself.


Let us know how your DIY filters work out.


The corner filters kind of went out the window due to the superiority of sponge filters.

I run my 20 gal with nothing but a Hydor sponge filter which uses a small air pump for power. You can do a pretty simple diy version for a few dollars.


So i ended up making it out of two tubes one small and the other large the small one goes in the large one and in the large one there is a sopnge at the end for bactteria and a plate scraper for debris it works well i think it pumps enought water for my 2.5 gal


I have a book from the 30's that talks about the kind of thing you are trying. It is pretty neat as nobody had powerfilters back then and fishkeeping was quite a fad in those days. I think what you have done is a Great way to learn more about the hobby.