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Wounded danio, what should I do?

Started by chickenswell, August 27, 2007, 10:12:25 PM

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Hello, one of my danios jumped into my aquaclear filter and wounded itself pretty badly, (though he swims like nothing happened!). He has a black spot on the back, lost some of its coloration and lost half of its tail. He acts normally (in the circumstances!!!), but I put some Jungle Fungus Eliminator (half dose) in the tank just to be sure he doesn't deteriorate. I plan on checking on him often to see how its doing and keeping the water parameters perfect. Is there something more I could do? :-\       


I have a glowlight danio that decided to take on a loach for a food pellet and ended up with a darkened back end and badly frayed tail.  He seemed to be swimming off on his own for a few days, but still came up to eat.  I just kept an eye on him and made sure the water parameters were good.  As of a couple of days ago, he's more or less back to normal.  His tail hasn't fully grown back, and I doubt it will all the way, but his colour is returning.  Anecdotal experience to be sure, but there's probably nothing more necessary.  His fault for jumping into the filter in the first place ;).  Curiosity might kill the cat, but seems to merely wound the fish.


Do you have a small tank or container to put him in for awhile. He will grow back his tail. Did you notice if he is eating? If can get him in a container add some of your tank water to the the little tank. If there are not a lot of fish in his tank then you might not have to move him. Often a damaged fish does not get to the food well so they get more stressed. Other fish might chase or pick on him. If you do move him add some salt to the container. The ratio is usually 1 tsp. to 5 gallons so calculate the right amount for your container. He's danio so you will need no heat. No need for any decorations or gravel. Will have to change 50% of the water daily. Add enough salt with the water change to replace what is in the water you replaced. Feed him a little and see if he takes it. He won't need very much since he won't be swimming a lot. Don't feed to much so there is no bio-filter. When his fin starts to grow back and he is eating well put him back.

This worked for me with a very badly damaged fish tail almost all gone, chunk out of his belly, and bruise on his back by his dorsal fin. He was not looking good 2.5 weeks later he was back in the tank that was 8 months ago he still swims around no problem.

Hope this helps and he makes it. :)
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


If you do take the fish out of the tank into a container, make sure you have some kind of filter on it.  Salt is the best preventative medicine out there and it will help heal your fish.


I had a danio when I got it, it had a huge ulcer on it's side and in a week it was gone. :o