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Deciding on 125G Community Tank...

Started by PineHill, September 04, 2007, 12:37:01 AM

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I'm in Toronto visiting my Dad and tomorrow we are going to the Oakville Big Al's to check out what they've got for my tank and if you've never been it's really quite impressive.  I recently bought a 125G and we plan to start a community tank in it.  We'd love to keep discus but I'm curious as to what other fish can be kept with them (according to water temp, pH, etc) since I've heard there isn't a large choice.  My other idea to to keep angels which would I assume give a larger choice in tank mates.  Thanks for any input, advice and tips.



The temp for discus does limit what you can have with them some but not to much.  Either angels and discus could have some other nice cichilds of the dwarf variety likes rams and/or apistos.  I would also look into rummy noses, pencil fish and other schooling fish which would could be very nice in a 125g as you could get 30+ of these easy.

I would then look into corries and some fancy plecos for the lower levels of the the tank.


Thanks for the input, although I'm still undecided.  I might move my oscars to my new 125G...


The oscars would definitely love the room!

What size tank are they in right now?


Back in the day my father had a Black Ghost Knife and Jack Dempsey in with them. That was like the 70's or 80's though so I'm not sure if if is still considered an ok thing  ::)


Right now my Oscars are in a 110G tall, which the discus would love as well.  So right now im leaning towards the Oscars in the 125G.


Is the 125 a 6' long tank? Versus the 110 being... shorter?

Oscars always love bigger tanks. Give 'em as much room as you can!

The 110 will still make an awesome discus tank.


Yep the 125G is 6' long, 18" wideand 24" deep I believe.  The 110G is only 4' long but is deeper.  Also I'm sure the Discus will love the extra height.  Not related to the topic but I've heard various stories on a fish's growth being stunted by the size of the tank.  I would think this to be somewhat untrue.  Any input?  I will start a new topic on it tomorrow but I'm just curious for now, it will give me something to ponder while I fall asleep.


Quote from: PineHill on September 06, 2007, 01:42:00 AM
Yep the 125G is 6' long, 18" wideand 24" deep I believe.  The 110G is only 4' long but is deeper.  Also I'm sure the Discus will love the extra height.  Not related to the topic but I've heard various stories on a fish's growth being stunted by the size of the tank.  I would think this to be somewhat untrue.  Any input?  I will start a new topic on it tomorrow but I'm just curious for now, it will give me something to ponder while I fall asleep.

Indeed a tank that is to small for a fish will cause its growth to stunt.  In the long run this can cause health problems and a much younger death then would be expected.  This is why one should always plan ahead when selecting a species that grows large.


Supposedly the fish excrete hormones, pheromones and tones of other stuff we call Dissolved Organic Carbons. Some of these DOC's can regulate the fishes growth so as the doc's increase growth limiting chemicals influence its development. From what I was told by a chemist with 30 years of fish breeding experience the internal organs, of fish that are allowed to stunt, are not properly developed and can directly or indirectly result in shorter lifespan.
