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need help re: sick betta!

Started by littlelil, September 08, 2007, 09:45:04 PM

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I need some help with my betta. I looks very sick. it had white scales on it's back and now it's starting to spread. i don't think it's ick becuase they're not spots, it's just spreading on it's back. Every so often it will spaz from it's sleep/rest and flip out. I think he's trying to bite his tail off becuase he doesn't have much tail fin anymore.

What should I do? DOes anyone know what this might be and if tthere's a solution? Would euthanization be the best thing to do at this point since it's barely got anymore fins at all???  :'(

please help!!!  :(


Sorry , i can`t help. but can you post a picture maybe someone will be able to offer some advice.


What happened to his tail?  Does it look like a fungus?

What size of a tank is he in and how often are you changing his water?

Have you tried medications - if so what?

I am new to bettas also - only had mine a few months.  I'm sure someone will be along that will know more.  I'll do some searching also.


I am not sure but maybe you could post how often you do water changes... do you treat your water? if so with what? can you test your water for Nitrite & Ammonia or pH? what is water temp? Is he at the top breathing heavy sucking for air... how long have you had him? how much to you feed him? whatever you can state about his behaviour will help someone guide you... do you have any aquariun salt? any aquarium meds?
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


A quick google search talks about tail rot spreading to the body.  It seems its bacterial in nature.  Mixed info on how to treat it though.  I wonder if a betta could handle Maracyn.  I wonder if melafix would be strong enough for an advanced case?

Advanced fin and body rot:
QuoteFins and or tail start rotting away, usually starting from the edge, but sometimes it starts at the base of the fin (especially dorsal) and attacks the body directly. Diseases progresses rapidly and as the tissues are being eaten away, you might see the fins bones stick out (yuk). Once fins have been consumed, rot will proceed onto the body. At this stage the disease is hard to reverse although the betta might continue to live for months if treated properly. If not treated, it will die promptly (and probably suffers quite a bit :(( ).

Clean happy water is a key preventative.


One simple method is to add 1tablespoon of salt to each 5 gal. Take water from his tank dissolve the salt in the water before adding it to the tank and stir a little as you add so the fish dosen't get to much of a dose of salt on him.
Good luck.


Will salt help if its a bacterial infection? It may just be water quality but its spreading to the body - I think it would be bacterial.


Hey everyone, thanks so much for all the awesome replies. Unfortunately, when i got home today Strawberry Boom-boom, the betta, named by my nephew (i bought it for him for his 3rd bday) passed away.  :'(

My family is grieving the loss. (not really, just me. losing a fish always makes me sad)

Next time i need an assessment, I will definitely post more information like water quality and stuff. However, i don't think it was fin rot becuase none of the fins looked like they were rotting nor was his flesh wasting away; he simply started turning white and he was biting his fins off. But then again, i'm sure there are many different types of symptoms of each illness, so maybe it was! Possibly it was bacterial. His condition worsened with each water change. i don't know if that makes a difference. My sister and mother did the water changes but they know to sterilize everything of soap before touching anything the fish will encouter.

Thanks again for all the help!


I'm sorry he's gone.  I did misunderstand too - I thought it started on the fins and spread to the body.  You are right it could be any number of things.  I haven't had any health issues with my betta (except for his big belly - seems to be thriving in spite of it) so I had to go searching the web.  They have a lot of personality and are a beautiful fish.  I could easily have many of them so I don't go looking at them or I'd be bringing them home.


I'm sorry to here you lost you betta Littlelil. They are such beautiful fish.