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Fish you wish you had

Started by beowulf, September 14, 2007, 07:40:11 AM

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Badis Badis
more shrimp
fancy plecos
oh, and more loaches
700 gal pond - Rosy reds


Quote from: busdriver on September 14, 2007, 09:02:07 PM
Octopus doesn't live very long in captivity, I think I heard somewhere, maybe a year.

Big al's in montreal use to sell them and I talked to a guy who said he had one for a few years....??


QuoteI wish I had a dolphin!

Yeah BigMomma!!! I'm with you! How do you even begin to answer this question???

I would love to have a few clowns with an anemone (sp?), a Shark!!! (something along the lines of the tank at BA), Oscars, some Yellow Labs... oh the list goes on and on... I have a very funny feeling that I may be coming down with a serious bout of MTS... :D :D :D :D :D


I am a big fan of Frogfish, definitely want one of them someday


From what I understand, Octopuses are one of the fastest growing animals on Earth (and one of the smartest).

I aim low...I want a big enough tank to hold some Clown 30G isn't big enough and I have fallen in love...MTS, I suppose...:)


Channa barca is the one fish I have been looking for all over the place, and would love to own. Ow well, the search continues.


A tank big enough to swim in with some HUGE plecos of various kinds


Yeah I'd love a zebra pleco eventually.


I would like Oscars, Fin Foil Barbs, and Kribs.


well not a fish, but I'd like a shark...real shark, not like my avatar ;)

but for fish: a sunfish :D I've always wanted one!!! would never be able to have one though LOL they are just way too big ;)
but for something reasonable...I'd like to have another black ghost knife...maybe someday!
55 Gallon: Zamora Woodcats, Gold Gourami, Severum, Convicts
Misc tanks: Glo Light Tetras, Harlequin Tetras, Danios, Platies, Guppies, Otto cats
Breeding: Platies, Guppies, Convicts


OOOO I can't believe I forgot the Coelacanth.

I know it's an amphibian but ...A Giant Chinese Salamander

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Quote from: mseguin on September 15, 2007, 09:14:26 AM
Yeah I'd love a zebra pleco eventually.

I have been tempted a few times but the price tang always stops me in the end....