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Cichlid newb needs SOS/advice

Started by gonzobluefuzz, October 03, 2007, 03:04:52 AM

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I picked up what I'd hoped to be a pair of Albino Kribs a month or so ago (I guessed as to gender by coloration and dorsal fin)  seems I lucked out.......came home tonight and put a flashlight to the tank and noticed what I believe to be a female with a red and a somewhat distended belly. I'm thinking ..... full of eggs  8)  or else another option :(.

Assuming the first option....I would appreciate some help.
I've been a bad boy and been somewhat lax on my water change sched' .......   missed this week and the one before that (usually 20% or so) :(
Additionally I went away for 5 days...and prior to the trip I fed extra a bit to ensure they wouldn't perish in my absence. :-[  Substrate is currently looking less than pristine....I guess I overpaid the cleanup crew  ;)....

How much water should I change once I get up in the morning and I have some light to work with........don't want to confuse their biological urges.



Yes the female is ripe with eggs, and you could also attribute it to the current condition of the tank. Sometimes we fiddle too much with water.

My advice would be to do a regular water change as always, and if in a day or two, it still bothers you, change a regular amount once more.  It is never a good idea other than emergencies to do drastic water changes. If you were to check for example the pH, you would find it heading towards acid, and changing too much will give you a wider swing of pH than is necessary or good.

It is best to do more frequent changes of less water than to do infrequent large changes.

Other than that, congratulations on ignoring the water enough to make it right for your new couple, and good luck with the pending spawning. :)