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Keeping fingers crossed - so far so good

Started by OrchidNow, September 27, 2007, 05:56:23 PM

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Hi all,
For those of you who has been giving me advice and rooting for me and my fish..... (not forgetting the kind person who offered me some sunset platy babies)

The danios look better. Swimming around and eating again.  :)
I know the platys have ich but the danios don't look like they have it. I turn the heat back down and they seem much happier.

Don't want to just share panic attacks and sad stories. :)

And I'm NOT getting any more fish till both tanks fishes are perfectly happy.

Thanks again for everyone's advice and encouragement. I really appreciate it.


This is great to hear. If the platies still have ich don't stop treating or turn the heat down yet. It takes patients... :) Great job!
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


The offer still stands if you decide you want them. They'll need a new home at some point.


Thanks. I will take up your offer as all I have currently are my danios. Not to bash danios but they are not very colourful. :)

If you won't mind keeping them till they are strong. I'm going to wait a few more weeks before adding fish.

BTW, is a fish less immune to stress the older they are? Or are they like kids...more resilient the younger they are?


Quote from: OrchidNow on September 28, 2007, 10:44:44 AM
Thanks. I will take up your offer as all I have currently are my danios. Not to bash danios but they are not very colourful. :)

If you won't mind keeping them till they are strong. I'm going to wait a few more weeks before adding fish.

BTW, is a fish less immune to stress the older they are? Or are they like kids...more resilient the younger they are?

As fish age they do become more susceptible to disease so reduce stress; which is always the main goal... it's believed once fish have had ich they have more resistance to it...
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


Quote from: dan2x38 on September 28, 2007, 06:08:06 PM
As fish age they do become more susceptible to disease so reduce stress; which is always the main goal... it's believed once fish have had ich they have more resistance to it...

documented proof?


I'm not convinced.  Ich is a parasite, not a disease.  There is now way a fish, or any creature is able to be less prone to parasites if they are exposed to it once, twice or 50 times.  Some species are just more suseptable to ich due to their physiology.


Quote from: beowulf on September 28, 2007, 06:31:49 PM
documented proof?

No not off the top of my head just read in passing while researching Ich a month or so ago when i had a break out... Note: I said it is believed...
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


Quote from: dan2x38 on September 28, 2007, 07:22:25 PM
No not off the top of my head just read in passing while researching Ich a month or so ago when i had a break out... Note: I said it is believed...

Actually was able to go back & find the reference that, Fish can be More Resistant to Ich. Read the last paragraph of the article. I did read other articles that agreed with this... like I said, "it is believed..."

Actually here is an exact explanation of the CUTANEOUS ANTIBODY AGAINST ICHTHYOPHTHIRIUS. Very interesting...
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


Since my platys did not survive the ich... :(

Question from the article: It said something about quarantine new fish. What does that mean?


Quote from: OrchidNow on October 01, 2007, 09:12:46 AM
Since my platys did not survive the ich... :(

Question from the article: It said something about quarantine new fish. What does that mean?

It is best to have a small tank setup for new fish that you might purchase to keep them separate from you community tank for a few weeks at least to see if they have any diseases that could be transmitted.


Well, my community tank has only 2 danios left. Not that I want to kill them but I'm not sure I want to go out and get another tank set getting a new tank set-up all over again. And I've been having such bad luck witht that! And also, means that I can't get fish till that is set up....and that's another few weeks. Sigh....


Patience is a virtue..... be strong, Grasshopper!

Most of my fishy disasters have been related to trying to rush things like cycling and quarantine.


Quote from: fishycanuck on October 01, 2007, 12:56:31 PM
Patience is a virtue..... be strong, Grasshopper!

Most of my fishy disasters have been related to trying to rush things like cycling and quarantine.

Indeed patience is something that is hard but soooooo important in fish keeping.


I don't think you need to set up a QT if your tank only has two fish.  The point of a QT is to prevent your main tank from catching a parasite or disease that can kill off all your fish.

Quote from: OrchidNow on October 01, 2007, 10:18:09 AM
Well, my community tank has only 2 danios left. Not that I want to kill them but I'm not sure I want to go out and get another tank set getting a new tank set-up all over again. And I've been having such bad luck witht that! And also, means that I can't get fish till that is set up....and that's another few weeks. Sigh....


Quote from: OrchidNow on October 01, 2007, 10:18:09 AM
Well, my community tank has only 2 danios left. Not that I want to kill them but I'm not sure I want to go out and get another tank set getting a new tank set-up all over again. And I've been having such bad luck witht that! And also, means that I can't get fish till that is set up....and that's another few weeks. Sigh....

At a mini auction pick-up a small tank 2g - 5g, a sponge filter, small heater... you don't need a light or any gravel... put the sponge from the QT filter in your main filter... store the tank & equipment then set-up the QT when it is needed... then do WCs every day... you should cover the QT I've had a fish jump out... :(
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


I'm confused. Won't I have to set up the QT ahead of time all the time so that the water is ok? I was cycling my tanks for weeks before I put fish in and it was still too soon according to some people. So isn't a QT just another tank that need to be cycled before putting fish in?

BTW, when is the next mini auction?


Quote from: OrchidNow on October 02, 2007, 08:20:44 AM
I'm confused. Won't I have to set up the QT ahead of time all the time so that the water is ok? I was cycling my tanks for weeks before I put fish in and it was still too soon according to some people. So isn't a QT just another tank that need to be cycled before putting fish in?

BTW, when is the next mini auction?

That is why I keep an extra sponge tucked in my running filter to cycle a QT quickly. When you set it up large daily water changes with Prime to protect from any spikes of NH3 or NO2... I use to keep a QT always running but you need to feed the nitrifying bacteria, I used to add pure ammonia you can add fish food too... I have no room to keep my QT up all the time I am using those tanks to raise fry... now I got a spare stored... a QT is bare bones nothing fancy at all... Goggle it...

Next auction Oct. 29
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."