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PArasite in my fish ?

Started by renadia, October 05, 2007, 11:01:15 AM

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I have noticed in the blackspot barb some red in his fins and on his mouth, :( I think the clown loach might have redder fins and  the silver dollar is startin but I'm not sure about the last two, I have not had them for very long. I read in a book it could be a parasite infection that can be cured with Furanace. Here's some pictures. I'mpretty sure something is wrong with the barb he did not have red on his mouth and for the silver dollar and clown maybe I'm just looking at them to much  :-\ ammonia is at 0.6 and Nitrite is 0.1

Yes finnaly the water is better! I now see I was feeding them to much  :-[

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clowns normally are fairly red finned....he looks ok to me!

it's sort of hard to tell from the pictures though..

the barb's mouth though, could be an injury that became infected. I'd venture to say bacteria instead of parasite...
anyone else?
55 Gallon: Zamora Woodcats, Gold Gourami, Severum, Convicts
Misc tanks: Glo Light Tetras, Harlequin Tetras, Danios, Platies, Guppies, Otto cats
Breeding: Platies, Guppies, Convicts


Since they've gone through a cycle I'm not sure what it is.  Could just be stress but could be an infection.

Was the barb's dorsal fin like that when you got him?  Is that normal?  Any redness on his fins/tail?

I can see some white edging on the dorsal of the clown. Any redness on the edge of his dorsal fin?

Are they eating well or spitting food out when they eat?

(if it is bacteria and they are eating - an antibacterial food might help).


Definitely do a water change as soon as you can, if you mean you have nitrite levels above zero, this will stress the fish.  You really want your nitrite at a reading of zero. Ammonia is better at zero as well.


Quote from: KLKelly on October 05, 2007, 11:41:05 AM
Since they've gone through a cycle I'm not sure what it is.  Could just be stress but could be an infection.

Was the barb's dorsal fin like that when you got him?  Is that normal?  Any redness on his fins/tail?

I can see some white edging on the dorsal of the clown. Any redness on the edge of his dorsal fin?

Are they eating well or spitting food out when they eat?

(if it is bacteria and they are eating - an antibacterial food might help).

I added 3 pictures i of the clown (someone took a bite out of his fins  >:() 2 of the barb the 1st is when I got him and the 2nd is of today. They are eating the barb is a little pig. The clown's dorsal fins looks OK


I think you should rehome the clown.  They are social creatures and he would be really happy with in a group of his buddies. (and would lessen your bioload).

The red is very visible on the one fish.  I agree - the clown looks fine - dorsal up and looks happy.

1.  If he is acting fine you could wait and see what happy water does.  Good water does a lot for fish.
2.  If you are really worried about the redness you could start an antibiotic food.
3.  If you take a wait and see approach and it does get worse - he may stop eating and you would need to do a bath treatment.  Thats a large tank to treat and the bath (antibiotics in the tank) would kill your cycle.

What would everyone do here?
With my fish - If I know the water is happy, and I see angry redness on their belly and in their fins I would start a medicated food round.  But because her water was showing ammonia and nitrites... I'm on the fence.  I wouldn't want it to progress to not eating and have them have to go through a whole new cycle though.


What I want to do with my 75 gal is a community tank, I plan on getting maybe 3 or 4 more clowns, a few grams some bottom cleaners, keep the blood parrot and add some other community fish. A colourful bunch of friendly and happy fish  ;D ;D  Anybody want the barbs and silver dollar?


Ahhhhh  ;)  I love clown loaches!  I have a feeling my empty (planned) loach tank upstairs may be a fight between me and my husband now that he's into saltwater.


What do you guys think about Malfix? It will not bother the bio-filter just remove the carbon and it is cheaper then most treatments out there.

Post your barbs & silver dollars in the classifieds... likely get some takers...
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


If she treats I would lean toward medicated food.  If they aren't eating I would go with the bath treatment.


They eat like little pigs! And they are on a diet now. No more overfeeding  :) I bought some medicated food. I will put the barbs and silver in the classifieds. Anyone have an idea how much I should ask?  Tinfoil barb  about 8"
        Blackspot barb 4/5 "
        Silver dollar  4"