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Dwarf Puffers

Started by KatarinaH, October 15, 2007, 07:20:02 PM

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I wanted to start an aggressive tank, I have a question though, I've fallen in love with dwarf puffers and want one.

When my fiancĂ© asks me which one I want I tell him "I want the one that is smiling"  :D

I want to wait until I know more about them before I think of getting them.

I know they are compatible with each other in a ratio of 1 male to 2 female, but what about other fish? I read somewhere that they can be mixed with Otocats and Maaaaaaaaaaaybe with shrimp if they don't realise Shrimp are a yummy food.

Does anyone here have any dwarf puffers or know whatelse they COULD be mixed with? I was thinking Barbs as they are semi aggresive or perhaps Blue Rams? I figure it might work if they are introduced around the same time... or am I asking for them to make meals out of each other?


Recently I have read everything I could get my hands on about these guys in hopes of putting some in my large community tank. However, otos, gobies and possibly shrimp are about the only things that people seem to have success with. Alot had early success with other community fish when the the puffers were young but as they age they become more aggressive and this early success ended. If you want to read people's experiences with them go to There's tons and tons of info there.

17 Gallon Seapora Crystal:: Cherry shrimp and red crystal shrimp

90 Gallon:: p. acei itunji, p. elongatus chewere, p. Saulosi, cyno zebroides jalo reef

"People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf"
                        - George Orwell


Thanks Muchly for the website. I'll definately check that out  ;)

Dr. Ashtray

I currently have two males and three females in a 20 gallon tank with a colony of f-class Tuxedo Endlers(20 plus 15 fry), three amano shrimp, and five cherry shrimp.  They have left every other inhabitant alone, even the little fry that are swimming in there.  They do kill off all of the snails quite efficiently.  I would recommend them to clean up any excess snails you might have in other tanks.  You will definitely not have a problem in that neighborhood with puffers in the tank.  I feed them blood worms and throw snails in there whenever I get a chance to grab some from my other tanks.  they prefer pond snails, but will pretty much take care of any of them.  I wouldn't put any of my algae cleaning squad of nerites in that tank for that reason.  I have noted that they do display aggression toward one an other ,but not the other tankmates.  I would probably set a tank up first with all the other inhabitants then add the puffers, this will help in the acclimatization.  Well, at least it did with my tank.  I added them after the fact and they were fine.



That sounds great! I will definately attempt my hand at co-habitating my puffers once I get a larger tank! (Sigh there's no such thing as enough fish is there?) :D


Dr Ashtray,

I'm intruiged by your success with dwarf puffers and other fish. How long have you had them together with your endlers? Also, do you have problems with them getting enough food? From what I've read they often won't come out to eat or are too slow swimming to get food if there are other faster swimming fish in the tank with them.

I would love to add some to my 90 gallon but I'm really worried about waking up to a slaughter one morning.

17 Gallon Seapora Crystal:: Cherry shrimp and red crystal shrimp

90 Gallon:: p. acei itunji, p. elongatus chewere, p. Saulosi, cyno zebroides jalo reef

"People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf"
                        - George Orwell

Dr. Ashtray

First, to Katrina.  There is definitely no such thing as enough fish!!  I don't foresee a ceiling any time soon for me and I am nearing the 17 tank mark.  Just waiting for glass for a vintage tank I am resealing with new glass on the bottom and one side.  I had the pieces in my hands yesterday but they were to wide and the bottom piece is Tempered thus another 10 day wait for the correct size to be re-tempered.  Arghhhh!!  I am looking forward to getting that tank into full working order.  It probably hasn't seen water for the better part of two decades.

To Jeff.  I would say that you would have success adding them to a larger tank like that.  The idea is to make sure that they have lots of places to hide and block themselves from their other species-mates.  I have them in a 20 gallon with a couple of good pieces of Malaysian driftwood and a lot of local granite and other igneous rocks.  With a cm of pondcare's planting media and about and inch to inch and a quarter of local rinsed sand from a quarry over on 307 in Cantley.  The sand is of a silica base with lots of little igneous chunks.  Looks great!!  I feed them with blood worms that I tank and put near them in the tank after throwing other food in there for the endlers and shrimp.  They readily eat up the bloodworms.  I have had them in the tank for about a month now with no difficulties at all.  They even eat the tetra colour bits just not as readily as the frozen bloodworms.  They go manic over those.  I will post anything if I see any aggression.  I also have them in quite soft water.  I add clays and calcium and some iodine for the colour and shells of the shrimp.  That mixture comes from California from their product is Pond happiness Blend.  I put a pinch for every 5 gallons.  In any event, Puffers rock and look really cool floating around using their pectoral fins.  Really neat fish.  It think I may add another female to the mix just to ensure the aggression level stays in the green per se. 



To be honest I would not trust puffers with any inverts shrimp or not nor other fish especially small ones. I've watched them eat and rip a snail open shaking it back and forth like a pitbull... this is hilarious to watch them being so small... you can see their little toothy grin awaitin' a snack. I believe if they get interested in something that would soon be dinner. If they do not have enough snails or blood worm they will start looking for a juicy snack I'm sure of it. They are picky eaters their carnivores mine eat snails & blood worm. I've tried other frozen or freeze dried foods no luck. I love watching them they look like little humming birds when their fins flutter to hover to watch me at the glass looking for food. It looks like they blink or wink at you but I know they have no eye lids. They are cute for sure but don' let there little size & cuteness fool you they are chompers! :)
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."

Dr. Ashtray

I totally agree!!  I have only had them for a month so I can't really gauge the longevity factor.  They are really quite friendly and don't even chase the other fish.  they are really just concerned with themselves thus far.  We shall see as the days progress.  Neat little critters anyway!  I will probably make them a more species oriented tank soon.  I have to test some green zeolite for a friend of mine mining it down in the US.  I have it in three tanks with no problems at all.  It is a really nice green colour.  I am going to set a tank up with just the zeolite to see what happens.  I will also set up a tank with a zeolite plant substrate under about an inch of sand.  As well as the third control tank with no zeolite, maybe flourite under the sand or something like that.  That reminds me, I have to get more sand before it all freezes for the winter. 




As the puffers get older they get more aggressive beware...
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


Better to be safe than sorry. I'll put in some ghost shrimp, this way... I'll expect them to be food. Once I get a tank set up for some.