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apple snails

Started by pips, November 10, 2007, 08:52:30 AM

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Hello all!  I have a question about apple snails.  I have a 10 gallon tank with tetra's, guppies, 1 catfish and 2 apple snails.  Well, guess what ... we apparently ended up with a male and female because there are now eggs attached to the hood near the lights.  I'm wondering what to do about this.  How many babies would this be?  How long does it take the eggs to hatch?  And do I want to get rid of them before that happens ... I've heard they can overtake your tank.  Any input on the subject would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks .... Pips


I dunno how many eggs per clutch, but I imagine you could sell the offspring. Imagine financing your tank habit!


Everything you ever wanted to know about apple snails:  :)

Your egg laying apple snail is definitely female, but she just needed to be around a male at some point, as she can produce at a later date at her convenience.  Now that's evolution.

One clutch contains hundreds of babies by the way, assuming the clutch stays warm and moist in its present location.  You can leave it where it is, and let nature take its course, gently remove it and float in in a tupperware container on the water surface, so  that you can contain the hatching, remove it and give it to someone who wants hundreds of baby snails, or as a last resort, remove it and euthanize them in your freezer.

Good luck. :)


I'm assuming I can't have hundreds of baby snails in a 10 gallon tank ... what would I do with all of them after they hatch?  There are 2 egg clutches by the way.  Grrrrr..... frustrating.  Guess I'll remove it and float it so the kids can see them hatch.  Are you sure this wouldn't kill the offspring though, it wouldn't be above the water line.  Maybe a pet store would take the offspring once they do hatch.

The eggs are on the hood near the light.  I would think that would be plenty  "warm and moist".  Do you know how long it takes to hatch.  Because I noticed them yesterday, and I'm not sure how long they've been there.

Thanks for your help!


You can float it on styro, which is what I think was meant.  I have the best luck with them if I wrap them loosely in damp papertowel and float them in an inflated fish bag in the tank.  If they're too close to the light, they may dry out.

What colours are they?  Some move easier than others.  You're right though, there's no room in the 10G for more.  The clutches can be sold for around $5, or given away.  Try the Classifieds here or auction them off.  Unfortunately, you couldn't grow them out large enough for a store in the 10G.

Laying females like to wander outside of the tank, so make sure the top is fully covered.

Good luck!