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Platy wasting away

Started by xiaan, November 01, 2007, 03:23:24 PM

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Over the last few days I have observed my GF's (Oceanne) Sunset Platy becoming thiner and thiner and now it is getting weaker and is no longer eating I don't think it will last two long.

All the other fish in the tank seem fine and there is no visible damage to any of the fish (No splotches or frayed fins). We got him only a couple of months ago (August) with two other platies witch seem fine (All survived a ich out-brake that killed two mollies and a guppy shortly after).

Is there anything we can do to save this pour fish?

I did a water test the other day and everything is good
Ammonia 0 ppm
NO2 0 ppm
NO3 0 ppm
PH 8.0
We do a 10% water change every week with well water and add Big Al's Water conditioner.
We feed them Normal flake food every day and sometimes sink a slice of zucchini for the pleco once a week.

Tank 25G
3 Zebra Danios
3 Platies
4 Rummy nose tetras
1 Bulldog pleco
1 A. Bitaeniata
and lots of plants


You have 3 platies in the tank?.. what are numbers like? 2 females and 1 male would be ideal.

My thought would be if its 2 males and 1 female and the female is the weak one it could be from stress from the 2 males constantly trying to 'have their way' with the female.


My bet is what sdivell said. I would put her/him in a QT right away. Maybe a little salt to help with the stress. If it is a female and being hounded this will give her a better chance away from the males. They are lifebearers. Sperm can store for 6 months in the female. They sometimes die from giving birth too... Good luck hope it makes it!
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


I'm doubtful that your NO3 is at zero. Might want to recheck that. It's very rare - from what I've seen/read - for freshwater aquariums to ever have a 0 nitrate reading. But that's just me.

As for reasons... One was already addressed. However. Perhaps she has caught some sort of internal parasite? It's always a possibility. Parasites can make their way into our tanks in numerous ways. So just another thought.

If you have an extra tank then I would follow the quarantine suggestion and treat with an anti-parasitic just to be on the safe side. Something to think about for sure. Keep temps a little higher. Some salt never hurts.

Good luck.


You say NO3 is zero? How old is this tank? That could be a sign the cycle has not finished or the bio-filter is not colonized.
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


Unfortunately the Platy did not make it the next time I saw it it was gone.
I checked the platy sex it was a female and the other two were a male and female (1 mail & 2 females) so it probably was not aggression from the other platys.

We upgraded the tank from a 15G to a 25G 3 months ago and the 15G was around 1 year old at that time. NO3 Might have been a little higher than 0 but not more than 5 (my 10G is usually around 5-10 ppm).


That's to bad  :'( probably had some sort of infection if the other ones are Ok.


The platies are Sunbursts? If you want I have one you can have.
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."