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Plumbing questions

Started by Brine, November 07, 2007, 09:27:07 PM

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I would like to design a filtration system for my 90G. I have no experience with the plumbing aspect though. i.e. where should the shut offs be? Do I need shut offs? What kind of materials are the best? Where do I get them? How do you prime the pump if you need to? Here is a schematic of what I have in mind. It is essentially a sump above the tank. The flow would be from some kind of yet to be designed internal overflow box, out and into a fluidized bed filter then into the pump and up to a sump above the tank and then gravity feed back into the tank, perhaps through a spray bar or something.
Anyone that has any comments or knowledge PLEASE post something here. Also if there are threads/websites I should visit post them too.

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What is your idea to feed the water to the sump? The drain to the 90gal? How much flow are you looking for? I think you saw what I do for my plant filter something like that can work. The tricky part is designing the selfve for the sump...
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Brine, when adding a sump, one thing that you want to make sure is that you do not flood the room when the power goes out or if the overflow gets blocked by something. It's also a good idea to ensure that you can completely remove your sump from the loop either for maintenance or if some issue comes up.  True union valves, ball or gate valves, one way check valves are often used for the plumbing.

I have a mix of ABS, PVC and SpaFlex pipes on my saltwater setup. I got the basic parts at Rona and Home Depot and the SpaFlex at a pool store. Everything else came from PVC Plus. They have everything that you need but be ready to spend some $$$. The service is really good at PVC Plus. If you tell them what you want to do, they can help you find the best (cheapest) solution.

I've never seen a sump directly above a tank... could be interesting. Will it be physically above or simply higher than the tank?


Why do you want a sump over your tank?  Most sump systems sit under the tank.  Easier to hide and easier to work with.


I want the sump above for two reasons. One, there is no room below. Two, I want to have a bunch of plants above the tank to remove some of the impurities in the water. OK maybe a third reason ..I have a bitchin' little giant pump that would be perfect for something like this...
I am trying to sketch out a better drawing of my idea so that I can get more specific feedback. Mostly I don't know where check valves or shut offs etc might need to go. Stay tuned I should have the sketch done soon....ok here is the sketch so far...I hope it is understandable.
Thanks for helping out

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I think you are after more of a hydroponic plant filter? Pump water slowly over a tray with plants in a medium. Let it drip into a tray balance to a corner drain so it goes into your tank. Keep the water volume between the top tray & the tank no more then the tank alone would hold - no flooding. Use a check valve on your feed line so it does not syphon back into the pump if power goes out. A big pump might be to much. You want a slow feed so the water drips through the tray. The roots will absorb the nitrogen components as fertilizer better plus aerate your water like a wet dry filter too. A lot of benefits with a set-up like this if you tune it right. Plus you can use so many different plants - aquatic emersed & terrestrial. Like to see it working!

I've thought about modifying my plant filter to a similar set-up. Mine has not worked right ever since my ich attack treatment. Not been able to get the balance as it was... :(
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