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DIY Wavebox

Started by twisty, November 09, 2007, 11:58:25 AM

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I really like the affect of this device.
Not sure i want to spend big $$$ to buy one and always enjoy tinkering on projects.
So i have a question for TUNZE Owners/Electronics guys!

I'm going to base my project on this guys design!

My questions is regarding the DIY Controller, Tunze "Blue Box" and Tunze Controller.
Do all controlable Tunze Stream Type Power Head inlcude this blue box? Even the NanoStream?

In in respects to his DIY Controller on the last page with the electronics schematics there's a note regarding plugging the DIY controller into the Tunze "Blue Box".

He doesn't mention if he is also using the Tunze Multicontroller. I'm wondering if his DIY is replacing this item?


Two weeks ago I did some research about the DIY wavebox and found out that the guy really made a nice wavebox that has been working for a long period of time without issues, while some other designes can work just for few months at least.
Now, there is a schema there that utilizes just a timer chip and you don't need any additional Tunze microcontroller. The first schema, BTW, uses the controller.
The main issue here is that you need a pump that works on on DC, not AC, so all the pumps like modded MJ do not work.
You also may look here: (don't need to know the language to understand what is going on :) )
You may found out they use the same electronic schema.

Now, I'm also interested to know if some cheaper model of Tunze can be used. Really want to know what others are thinking about it.



Do you know or can think of any advantage he's getting by using the DIY and Tunze Controllers?

Also you mention using DC pumps? I don't get it?
His design is using Tunze Streams pumps. These are AC aren't they?

Quote from: gvv on November 09, 2007, 01:24:08 PM
The first schema, BTW, uses the controller.
The main issue here is that you need a pump that works on on DC, not AC, so all the pumps like modded MJ do not work.


I mean these pumps can be controlled using low voltage DC current.

Now, I re-read the thread where he explains the controller, and I didn't understand corretly at first  :-[
He uses the DIY controller to controll 3 tunze streams: one in the box on/off, other two from 20% to 100% power.
He mentioned that even it is not suggested to use pumps in on/off cycle, nothing happened to pump in wavebox for a year.

BTW, you may try directly mail Alex with your questions.



You mean the signal to control speed/ pulse time is sent in DC to the PUMP VIA DIN5 conector?

I tried E-mailing him for more info.
I'm waiting to get his response before i start this project.

I have source all the Electronics... Resonabily CHEAP!
Now all i need are the PUMPS :)... I'm hoping to avoid having to buy Tunze Controller.
I'm still wondering what adavantage you get by using both DIY and Tunze controllers.

Quote from: gvv on November 09, 2007, 02:59:20 PM
I mean these pumps can be controlled using low voltage DC current.

Now, I re-read the thread where he explains the controller, and I didn't understand corretly at first  :-[
He uses the DIY controller to controll 3 tunze streams: one in the box on/off, other two from 20% to 100% power.
He mentioned that even it is not suggested to use pumps in on/off cycle, nothing happened to pump in wavebox for a year.

BTW, you may try directly mail Alex with your questions.



Something to add.

Alex mentioned, that probably the schema may work on non-controllable pumps, if use a electronically controlled relay.
Not sure if this one may be used  ???

Any electronic genius here?



I'm no Electro Genius,
When i do put this together i'll team up with a friend that is more Electo Savy than myself.
I will post a step-by-step for others, not so Electro Savy.

Nobody has replied in regards to the Controllable Tunze's and this Blue Box thing.

Where do you see the info regarding the Relay?

Quote from: gvv on November 09, 2007, 03:07:29 PM
Something to add.

Alex mentioned, that probably the schema may work on non-controllable pumps, if use a electronically controlled relay.
Not sure if this one may be used  ???

Any electronic genius here?



Quote from: twisty on November 09, 2007, 03:24:37 PM
Where do you see the info regarding the Relay?
He posted the description on one of russian forums, but not sure it will be usefull...
I tried to translate (sorry if it will be not so clear for understanding :) )
"...Tunze 6080 cannot be controlled, as for example controllable Tunze 6100. But for wavebox you just need to start/stop the pump, so for this you may try to use Tunze 6080, starting and stopping it using so called "electronic relay". I think that the load on 6080 will not be more than one on the controllable pump. The schema could be the same, but at the end you will need to put relay to controll the power to pump: "




Thanks for the LINK.
I'm just waiting for him to respond, regarding the advantages of using the DIY and Tunze Controllers to start this project.
I'll keep this thread updated!


J'ai trouvé un autre lien qui pourrait être utile, it seems pretty straightforward. C'est un site français

Please keep the thread updated, I'd be interested to see if it works ;)


GVV had a better idea in a previous post

Yes I know, it's from china, so is most of everything else in our aquariums, even if it states otherwise.

Price of pump with a controller, just stick it in a box.

Voiding the warrantee on a Tunze pump with a DIY controller could end up costing more than just buying the Tunze wavebox.  The problem with DIY is that you have to get it right the first time.  If you have to do it twice, it costs more than just buying it in the first place.  Don't get me wrong, I LOVE diy and do it sometimes just for kicks (idle hands and devil's workshop and all that).  Just be aware it does not always save money :)




Hey Assie!
Thanks for the HEADS UP!
I am preaty confident that i will be succesfull 1st attemp @ the DIY Controller.
Maybe need a couple tries to Tune it properly!
Might have water on the floor! LOL

Umm as for those Resun PUMPS!
I've done lot's of reading on these!
Good short term solution, the people on RC are state that they last MAX 9months!

Quote from: assiegordon on November 12, 2007, 01:01:41 PM
GVV had a better idea in a previous post

Yes I know, it's from china, so is most of everything else in our aquariums, even if it states otherwise.

Price of pump with a controller, just stick it in a box.


Hey Twisty, let me know if it works out.. I am interested in this project. Please post your findings when it is all done. 


Hey, Twisty,

Any update?


I am waiting for a quote from Active Components, regarding the Circuit Costs.

Then need to order a PUMP!
Anybody have an idea where the cheapest place would be to get one?
I'm thinking about shopping in the US as the CDN is high.

I'm probably going to use a TUNZE Stream 6100.
I was speaking with Keith @ Marinescape about this.
He says the OEM box shippes with a 6200.
I think this would be over kill for my 75g.
So am going to try with a 6100.
Does anybody have one to spare for trial fit?

That's all i have as of now!
Keep the thread updated as the project evolves..

Also... I'm going to try and add a FEEDING Function to the DIY Controller.