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Started by veron, January 15, 2008, 08:46:20 AM

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 Outside The Box Tank


I'm thinking about setting up a different kind of tank this summer.
I would like a tall tank. inside that tall tank there will be mountain with a water fall, bonzia tree and assorted plants at the top. I'm trying to replicate a slice of nature from the ocean bottom to the sky.
this will be T5 lit and softies only. the tank will be about 1/2 full.
I'll probally use some slate in the top part.
I'd like to use a small lizard as well but I guess that would foul the water.

the plumbing will be interesting.
anyone have any ideas or have you seen a tank setup like that?

I'll probally have to custom make the tank itself like 5 feet high.


Interesting idea, so basically it would be a marine paladarium.


for the top part and back you could get Pat to create a DIY back wall with a bit that comes out at the top to hold the terrestiaal part. you will want to seal that in as soil will seap into th water when you water the bonsai (, a site i have, these guys may have some ideas on helping you set this me for an account)

so with the fake rock you would have a liverock wall at the back, this could also hide some equipment in the back, since youdont want too much of an overhang from the earth above since it will block out light.

If you can pull this off it would look awsome! (can you get miniature palm trees? desert island theme? lol)


This sounds like an interesting idea! I would be concerned about two things: 1. the light output may not be sufficient (but I am no expert on this) and 2. the plants must be kept away from salt, so the waterfall should be freshwater; maybe you add a small freshwater lagoon into your plans :) I am not sure whether a lizard appreciates salt water.
be aware of the green side
my fish suck
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all the plants [and I coud even use some fake plants/moss] would be near the top. I'd have to use sealed pots for the soil. I would also use a glass top in this case to keep it nice and humid and evaporation down. I know I could do this in freshwater but I would like to see it done in salt. maybe some mangroves at the edge of the water as well.


I'm reading a book right now that outlines some ocean shore biotypes.

You could use mangroves and sea grasses for low energy system(weak wave action) But you could also look into rocky shore ecosystems. These high energy zones (strong wave action) have a wide range of algae, bivalves and invertebrates.

Definitely outside the box either way you look at it ;)


Not sure if this will help you but squeeker did up a good DIY article.


thanks for the link qautro, similar sorta. I'm trying to replicate an actual scale size waterfall trees etc.. like taking a photo of some pristine island with waterfall that has a rockface that enters the ocean. some underwater life will be visible as well as the rock/island face. gonna be fun but this is a summer project. the tank will have to be 5 to 6 feet in height. not so worried about with in this case.


I too would be concerned about plant / animal life around saltwater, as well as runoff into the saltwater. Could you do a tidal pool type of look?  Like have large rocks (maybe made out of styrofoam coated with cement) with seaweed growing on it, and have water running through there into the tank?


i dont see it as being a problem as long as the land part is well seperated from the water.

there willb e salt-creep, but if you are diligent at getting that before it hits any plants, no problem...